Monday, December 25, 2023

Joe & Jill Ask for People's New Year's Resolutions and the Responses Were Lit

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

Well, it's that time of year again when the American people are being subjected to more than just the usual cringe-inducing run-of-the-mill public appearances from the First Family.

Because we have back-to-back national holidays, with Thanksgiving in November and Christmas a month later in December, we get to see our fearless leader, Joe Biden, with his Handler-in-Chief, Jill Biden, doing the turkey pardoning thing, attending Christmas tree lighting ceremonies, and putting on big (awkward) shows of being connected with the NORAD team that is "tracking" Santa.

Though it wasn't a public appearance, a tweet posted to Joe Biden's POTUS Twitter account Saturday on New Year's resolutions has certainly gotten people talking over the weekend.

In it, the Bidens ask people what their resolutions are for the new year.

"As Jill and I think about our New Year's resolutions, we'd love to hear yours," it read. "Text me yours at (302) 404-0880."

First of all, it is obviously a ploy to get people's phone numbers so they can be put on text notification lists not just for the Democratic party but for their affiliated special interest groups. Pretty standard operating procedure for a lot of politicians, which hopefully most people reading the tweet understood.

But beyond that, I can't think of many more ways the Biden team can be more tone-deaf than this, at a time when people are continuing to struggle under the "leadership" of Joe Biden, with the economy, inflation, and cost of living issues ranking as their top concerns heading into 2024, and Biden's approval ratings being reflective of that.

Not surprisingly, the tweet was ratioed as people had thoughts in response to what the Bidens were requesting:

One person did text them with a hilarious message about a kiss, and got this response:

Biden's request had both the left and right responding with equal fervor, with the prevailing sentiment on the right being for him to either resign or be defeated in November and the anti-Israel leftists demanding a "ceasefire" and calling for a "free Palestine."

Outside of defeating him next year, my resolutions have little to do with Joe and Jill nor anyone else in the Biden family. They have everything to do with concentrating on my own family and life, praying more and worrying less, and learning how to live in the moment and not sweat the small stuff.

As for our readers, what's your answer to Biden's question? Make sure to leave it in the comments.