Monday, December 25, 2023

Happy Two-Year Anniversary to the 'Most Legendary' of All 'Let's Go, Brandon' Trolling Moments

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

We don't see too many stories about the "Let's Go, Brandon" chant anymore, perhaps because despite the mainstream media's best efforts, not much sympathy could be ginned up for a POTUS who was being subjected to just a smidgeon of what former President Donald Trump had to deal with from his critics on a day to day basis during his four years in office.

But we couldn't let Christmas Eve 2023 pass by without posting a reminder of the second anniversary of what my RedState colleague Nick Arama called at the time "maybe the most legendary 'Let's go, Brandon' troll yet" - the infamous moment during Joe and Jill Biden's call to NORAD when a caller uttered the slogan to Joe Biden, only to have Biden cluelessly repeat it to him, apparently not knowing the phrase was slang for "F*** Joe Biden":

At the end of an otherwise cordial call with a father of four from Oregon, President Biden said, “I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.”

“I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas as well,” replied the caller, later identified as Jared Schmeck, a Trump supporter. He added: “Merry Christmas and ‘Let’s go, Brandon!’”

Biden responded by saying, "Let's go Brandon, I agree" as Jill Biden looked on.

For a refresher on how the call went down, watch:

Even more hilariously, the pool report on the phone call had a notation from a reporter on how they (the media) were looking into "why this happened":

Potus again reminded kids to be in bed by 9:00

Jared, the dad, said merry Christmas and Let's Go Brandon. (We are trying to get more on why this happened)

Potus did not react to the apparent slight, let it slide right by.

In the aftermath, the MSM and Democrats went nuts, with the man on the call, Jared Schmeck, being vilified and facing threats to himself and his business for what amounted to a harmless joke at Biden's expense.

MSNBC's Nicole Wallace even went so far as to suggest that Schmeck's "slur" to Joe Biden was not just about expressing displeasure with the POTUS. It was, in her unhinged worldview, a sinister way of fomenting the next so-called “insurrection” in a “slow-motion” sort of way.

As we previously reported, “Let’s go, Brandon” originated after a NASCAR race in October 2021 that saw driver Brandon Brown take the checkered flag. As he was being interviewed, “F*** Joe Biden” chants were heard in the background. 

The reporter interviewing him laughably suggested that the fans in attendance were chanting “Let’s go, Brandon,” even though it was obvious from the clip (seen below) that they were chanting something else.


And the rest, as they say, is history...