Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Hamas Groupies Surround NYPD, Injure Multiple Officers, Desecrate Nativity Scene

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Anti-Israel activists were making trouble in NYC again -- this time on Christmas. 

They disrupted carolers on Sunday night, blaring loud music to try to disrupt the carols around Washington Square Park. 

Then on Christmas day, they marched through midtown declaring Christmas was "canceled" and claiming people were "shopping while bombs were dropping." They also carried a banner saying, "Revolution until victory." 

They were calling for violence and carried a defaced nativity scene. 

“Long live the intifada,” the crowd of about 500 demonstrators yelled, using the Arabic word for “rebellion” or “uprising,” as they mobbed the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree where revelers were enjoying the holiday.

“While Ur Shopping Bombs are Dropping,” read one of the signs carried by the protesters. 

“No Joy In Genocide,” said another, written atop the faux Nativity scene, which was splattered in what appeared to be fake blood and which several of the demonstrators carried on their shoulders.

They raised a Palestinian flag on Madison Avenue and also draped one over the nativity scene at one point, as well as keffiyehs all over the display. 

Pro tip? You don't convince people to embrace your cause when you denigrate their religious beliefs and try to "cancel" Christmas. 

They also vandalized multiple areas with graffiti. 

But that wasn't all. They got completely out of hand with the NYPD, you can see the very tense situation with them surrounding the cops and the police yelling at them to get back from the Shirion Collective. 

Here you can see it get completely chaotic and the the police had to call for a Level Three mobilization -- meaning send whatever you can to help. Reportedly, multiple cops were injured and multiple people were arrested. You can see at least a couple of people here being taken into custody. 

This shows an officer holding his shoulder or throat, as a voice on the video claims the officer was punched. 

At this point, these characters are completely out of control. They've attacked Democrats at a holiday party and even terrorized kids trying to see Santa at a mall. 

They think they can do anything and they will get away with it. It's NYC, so they may be right, because the chances any serious action is taken against them for even injuring police officers is probably slight, assuming anyone is ever prosecuted and the charges -- if any -- aren't just dismissed.


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Anti-Israel Activists Surround and Terrorize Line of Kids Going to See Santa at Mall