Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Donald Trump’s 2024 White House

Given the recent discussions about a potential Vice President pick by Donald Trump, several people have asked for my perspective.

Because I look at the office of the presidency slightly different than most, and specifically because the real challenge that needs to be addressed is located deep inside each institution of government, my perspective on the running mate is somewhat different than most.

The Vice President is the safety mechanism for continuity of government in the event that something happens to the President.

Additionally, for the unique nature of the 2024 election, the VP pick technically becomes the 2028 MAGA candidate by default and general intention.  Therefore, the selection of Trump’s running mate holds a greater weight of importance given the single term objective.

The primary factor of President Trump’s pick for VP should be, who will be the 2028 nominee.

Prior to President Trump’s first term in office, traditionally the role of the Vice-President, the actual tasks they are assigned to carry out, were generally ceremonial in nature.  However, President Trump approached the VP role differently, and gave substantive policy initiatives to Vice President Mike Pence.  [Pence proved he was not a good executive]

It should also be remembered that another unique aspect to President Trump’s term was his control over every of aspect of economic policy and trade.  This level of economic focus, with controls completely retained by President Trump, was then used as a mechanism to influence President Trump’s foreign policy.

As stated by several Trump economic officials when describing the Trump doctrine, “economic security is national security.”  The America-First outlook was a domestic economic focus, used as a lever to influence foreign policy activity.

As a consequence, the President Trump economic team was extremely stable throughout his term.  USTR Robert Lighthizer, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, CEA Chairman Larry Kudlow and Trade/Manufacturing Advisor Peter Navarro all worked in close coordination on their specific assignments that were instructions from President Trump.

The globe was broken into two general regions, east (Pacific) and west (Atlantic).  Lighthizer was assigned eyes and trade policy toward Asia, while Ross assigned trade policy toward Europe.  The total team were in close communication at all times and Donald Trump made every important decision for the econ/trade team.  The team carried out Trump’s agenda; it was a very effective approach.

The reason I mention this economic and foreign policy aspect is because there’s little doubt this would again be the focus of President Trump in a second term.   Trump is likely going to be the driving force of economic policy and foreign policy, in granular detail again.  The VP needs to learn how Trump does it so effectively, so that MAGA continues into 2028.

Meanwhile, all of the other agencies need serious wolverines at the helm, fearlessly chewing down the mechanisms of, (a) the intelligence apparatus; and (b) the controlled bureaucratic and administrative state.

No executive can micromanage the details of this scale, the office of the president can only support their efforts and provide tools and resources for the dismantling.

Knowing this, and fully understanding the skills, strengths and weaknesses of each potential VP selection, I look at the Big Picture through the prism of who do I want at the helm, that has enough loyalty to ensure the deconstruction takes place and/or continues and holds the integrity/fortitude to provide me some measure of assurance.  I guess this is the proverbial trust factor, only this time it’s even more important.

Right now, only one person hits that level of integrity for me, Dr. Ben Carson.

I trust Dr Ben Carson to understand the MAGA vision; to understand how the MAGA vision becomes manifest through policy; and, more importantly, to stay true to the MAGA vision if called upon to execute.

Perhaps there is someone else with the loyalty trait, the principal trait, the integrity trait, and the practical trait to continue after 4 years; however, if there is such a person, they don’t jump readily to mind.

The other cabinet members would all have big jobs, and none of them can come from the traditional system within DC.  They need to be wolverines baring teeth and ready to start the “retribution phase” on day one.

Secretary of State:  Ric Grenell

Defense Secretary:  Vivek Ramaswamy

Treasury Secretary:  Ron Paul

USTR: Robert Lighthizer or Peter Navarro

Commerce Secretary:  Peter Navarro or Robert Lighthizer

EPA Administrator: Sarah Palin

FCC Commissioner:  Mike Benz

CIA Director: Robert Kennedy Jr

FBI Director: Matt Gaetz

DOJ Attorney General:  Ken Paxton

Office of the Director of National Intelligence:  Rand Paul

NSA Director: Thomas Massie 

Interior Secretary: Marjorie Taylor Greene

Something like that….