Monday, December 18, 2023

Car Slams Into Biden Motorcade, Secret Service Pulls Guns on Driver

Nick Arama reporting for RedState

There's concerning news from Wilmington, Delaware, that a car slammed into the Biden motorcade.

Biden and his wife Jill were at the Biden-Harris campaign headquarters at an event in Wilmington and had just come out of the building when a car slammed into an SUV that had blocked off the street for the Bidens, waiting for them to come out. 

 A reporter had just asked Biden about why he’s losing to Trump in the polls and Biden said, you’re reading the "wrong polls." Then the crash occurred.

You can hear a huge smash here in the video: 

The Secret Service pulled guns on the driver, and Biden and his wife were quickly bundled away from the scene. 

The car, a silver copper sedan with Delaware plates being driven by a black man at the wheel appeared to hit the SUV that was shielding the motorcade at the intersection across from the entrance of the campaign headquarters. 

There was a loud bang and the president appeared genuinely shocked as the collision occurred.

This was Biden's reaction, looking stunned by what occurred. 

We'll keep you updated as we find out more.