Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Left Doesn't Know What Terrorism Is

In right-leaning politics, loyalty to a candidate isn't guaranteed. Someone can grow to love or hate a politician at the drop of a hat, and that's kind of expected when the party is filled with individualists. In fact, it's largely considered a good thing, because it's part of what's kept the Republican Party a bit more on the principled side. 

That's not to say that the left doesn't have principles, they're just increasingly evil principles, and I don't use the term "evil" lightly. 

Democrats are a lock-step kind of party that has no problem coming together to form a hive mind of sorts, and Democrat politicians go above and beyond to keep that Borg mentality alive and well. They'll back some of the most extreme ideas and movements in the hopes that it will keep the party together, whether it's shrugging at Antifa's domestic terrorism, applauding sexual deviancy in children's schools, or even painting parents as domestic terrorists for getting angry at a school board meeting. 

Joe Biden's administration has courted some of the most extreme leftism our nation has ever seen and has even lent the power of Washington to various organizations and individuals who raise the bar as to what radicalism actually is. 

But apparently, there was a line that even Biden's administration wouldn't cross for fear that it would anger too great a chunk of the voting populace in America. When the Israel/Hamas war kicked off, Biden's administration likely looked at the pre-2024 landscape and found that sympathizing with Hamas was only going to get them destroyed in the upcoming election. As such, they sided with Israel. 

As Sister Toldjah reported, this immediately saw a drop in his approval rating, with many a Democrat marking the admin's sympathy for Israel a bad thing: 

Early this year, Gallup found that for the first time in the U.S., Democrats’ sympathies for the Palestinians outpaced those for the Israelis. Although the survey is not designed to allow for statistically reliable estimates for any subset of the three-week polling period, the daily results strongly suggest that Democrats’ approval of Biden fell sharply in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas and Biden’s promise of full support for Israel on the same day. Biden’s current 75% approval rating among Democrats is well below the 86% average from his own party throughout his presidency.

As the Daily Caller reported, a solid chunk of this disapproval comes from the very group the Democrats continuously try to brainwash and court, the youth: 

“I feel very betrayed by Biden,” Angela Balya, a 28-year-old who was attending a pro-Palestine protest in Manhattan, told The NYT. “I definitely will not be voting for him again.”

The Sunrise Movement, a climate activist group that worked to garner support for Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign, is “raising questions” about whether the organization and other young voters will back the president in his reelection bid, the group’s political director told The NYT.

“If the Democratic Party and President Biden continue to send weapons and military support to Israel, it threatens to lose our generation, and that’s a very dangerous choice to make ahead of a critical election year,” Michele Weindling, the Sunrise Movement’s political director, told the outlet.

Do they feel "betrayed?" Imagine how the Democrats in D.C. feel. 

The Democrat Party spends a whole hell of a lot of time and money turning the youth into a voting bloc they can count on. Gen Z played a pretty decent role in making sure the Republicans didn't walk away with a red wave, and the same scenario may still play out in 2024. 

But if the Democrat youth is serious and they plan to skip pulling the lever for Biden in the upcoming election, then the Democrats can only blame themselves. 

They taught these kids to be this radical. 

Indoctrination to radicalism in order to make them pliant little foot soldiers for greater use down the line was always only going to lead to the monster eventually turning on the master and eating it. 

There have been warnings, including from yours truly, that this betrayal was inevitable. The ideological rigidity they wanted among their voting br meant that leftist puritanism would be upheld by all, and those who fell short were always going to be burned at the stake. This includes the very Democrats who encouraged and enabled this kind of indoctrination. 

It's not a guarantee that the youth will totally turn their back on the Democrats. They can probably scare them back into line with the horror of whoever becomes the Republican nominee, and Democrats have the benefit of having a lot of time before the 2024 general, but Israel isn't joking around with Hamas and if Israel eliminates them, you might see this conclusion used as a black mark against the Biden admin from the radical left, and one they'll fail to forgive. 

This may result in an embrace of 3rd parties that pull votes from the Democrat Party, and then we'll see the betrayal come full circle. 

Democrats betraying Democrats. A hilarious outcome to a sad strategy of indoctrination.