Saturday, October 28, 2023

AOC and Libs of TikTok's Chaya Raichik Get Into It on Capitol Hill Over Hamas

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Libs of TikTok's Chaya Raichik made another trip to Capitol Hill on Thursday and produced another viral moment involving Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 

Back in March, Raichik confronted Ocasio-Cortez with an ethics complaint, leading to an awkward picture and the congresswoman running away. Their latest exchange was similar if not more contentious.

Raichik followed her and asked, “So, when you told me ‘I never wanted to share a space with you’ is it because you're part of the Hamas caucus and I'm Jewish?”

The Democrat rep from New York responded, “No, it's because you're transphobic,” doubling down on a March confrontation where the New York congresswoman told Raichik, “You're actually super transphobic and I never want to share a space with you.” Ocasios-Cortez's allegations stem from Raichik's exposure of of teachers and activists who use their positions of power and influcence to encourage the gender transtion of minors.

Raichik continued to follow AOC and her staffer as they fled and asked, “Heading to a Hamas caucus meeting? When's the next one?”

I would assume that Raichik wears the allegation of being "transphobic" as a badge of honor at this point. She's built her brand on criticizing the far-left idea that men can become women and vice versa (or somehow nothing at all identifying as "non-binary"). Much of the content she has shared over the years wasn't even editorialized. It was simply reposting clips from left-wing social media accounts and allowing those watching to be the judge. 

It's also telling that Ocasio-Cortez immediately goes to that accusation instead of addressing the issue. She seems to be more worried about "transphobia" than the fact that terrorists are slaughtering Jews as part of their expressed desire for genocide. Instead of running away from Raichik, wouldn't it have been easier for Ocasio-Cortez to stand her ground, denounce Hamas, and take the high ground in the exchange? 

Her politics won't allow her to do that, though. Her career was born out of the Democrat Socialists of America movement, which has far-reaching antisemitic ties. Not only did some of its chapters come out in tacit support of Hamas, but they actually celebrated the massacre by protesting against Israel the day after the massacre on October 7th. Ocasio-Cortez is never going to cross the DSA, both because she's a true believer and because of the political backlash she'd get from the far left.

It's morally bankrupt, but it's exactly where many in the Democratic Party are in 2023. I'm sure Raichik will be more than happy to keep the pressure on in response.