Thursday, October 12, 2023

McCarthy’s Foot Soldier, Steve Scalise, Wins House GOP Nomination for Speaker

Republicans hate their base voters.  If the broader Republican electorate knew the internecine nature of how the Republican politicians in DC operate, they would never vote for another Republican ever.

It’s all a system of conniving and positioning for a cushy committee assignment, indulgences from the lobbyist control apparatus, office locations and Machiavellian influence for the best junkets and largest leadership PAC deposits.  That’s the truth, the non-pretending truth about the system at work behind the GOPe blind vote.  It has nothing to do with principle centered leadership, and everything to do with self-indulgences and person affluence.

Steve Scalise is worse than Kevin McCarthy when it comes to supporting Democrats, way worse.  Representative Steve Scalise (U-DC) will use sell your house via civil forfeiture and send that money to Zelenskyy [while deducting his indulgence fees of course].

WASHINGTON – No. 2 House Republican Steve Scalise won the GOP nomination for speaker, paving the way for a floor vote to make the election official.

Republicans held a secret closed-door ballot Wednesday morning after days of drama and infighting. Scalise, who is battling blood cancer, beat out House Judiciary Chairman and Trump ally Jim Jordan in a 113-99 vote.

But it is still a steep path ahead for Scalise to make the promotion official – he must get at least 217 votes on the House floor. It is not clear when a vote will be scheduled, but it could occur as soon as this afternoon. (read more)

Via Politico – […] Some Scalise allies are encouraging the Louisiana Republican to move to a floor vote quickly anyway, hoping to establish momentum after Wednesday’s internal vote. The rising national focus on national security matters such as the Israeli terrorist attack, these allies argue, will help convince GOP lawmakers to coalesce behind Scalise as the winner.

“I believe we’ll have a Speaker Scalise in office by dinnertime tonight,” said Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas), an early Scalise backer. “I’m confident we’ll all be on the same page when we get to the floor.” (source)

A pox on all their Houses.