Sunday, September 24, 2023

Leadership – Staying in the Eye of the Storm

From real life requested conversations in the last few days, some of the discussion is worth sharing.

Knowing who you are, I mean really knowing what your core center of values and purpose is about, is very important as the storms of constructed chaos swirl around us.

Like a national hurricane, everything swirling around us seems chaotic and mad right now. The chaos is purposeful and comes from a multitude of directions almost simultaneously. However, also like a national hurricane it is possible to stay calm in the eye of the storm; but only if you are truly centered to the guiding elements of life that create the core purpose.

Faith in a loving and purposeful God grounds the soul to the truest of true things. Do not diminish this importance.

Those who use the skills of division to achieve their chaotic purpose, well understand that isolation -the dark imagining- first begins with a rejection of God. Therefore, put God into everything; spend time with Him, and not just at the prescheduled times of worship. Put God into your life, keep Him there, and take purposeful action in every moment to ensure the armor plate He provides is with you. No weapon formed against you shall prosper.

Once you have that anchor solidly in place, then resolve to maintain your core values. “Resolve” is a misunderstood word; it is not a static sensibility. Resolve is an action-oriented word that takes thought, practice and internal reminding mechanisms. The core values are not only what you believe, but also who you are, who you present yourself to be to those around you.

Standing steadfast with your guiding principles and values in place, then establishes your ability to withstand chaos and remain on mission. Your family, friends, allies and supporters will navigate the crisis as long as you are resolute. This doesn’t mean you are not flexible, flexibility to the dynamics of the moment is necessary. However, holding that true compass heading will keep your purpose well defined.

You will be tested, sometimes brutally, and you will be tempted to get pulled away from the core purpose of your effort and into the surrounding foray, but this is where the active decision to remain resolute comes into play.

You must actively be the lighthouse in order for those who need you to navigate toward it. The lighthouse doesn’t reach out or change location to make itself more directionally visible for those in need. You cannot control their view; the lighthouse remains consistent and steadfast, and those who need the waypoint will find a way to get it back into sight.

We are living in an era of purposeful crisis. The situations we discuss are chaotic and mad, because they have been purposefully created to be that way. The counter-effort to combat this seemingly perpetual crisis is to refuse to be destabilized by what they manufacturer.  Stay on mission.

This advice flows purposefully toward many.  In this context it is about leadership, and the massive efforts underway by those with bad intent to target the leadership of groups and organizations whose purpose is to combat the chaos.  However, the same advice is personal and can be attributed to those who are in a position to protect their family, their community or their civic assembly.

Our nation needs strong leaders, and I’m not talking about politicians.  We need strong mules who will plow into fields that have never been attempted before.  Train yourself mentally to withstand the turmoil and lead your family, friends, group, tribe or community with a fierce and unrelenting resolve.

Despite the chaos they create, our national adversaries are weak people devoid of pure character.  Their arguments are shallow, filled with hypocrisy and they rely upon you to pretend their creation is real or holds merit; it is not, and it doesn’t.

Do not give value to the shallow constructs of evil intent and use brutal honesty in a very public way to expose them.

No flinching!

That is all.