Sunday, September 24, 2023

From The World's Most Deliberative Body to Animal House

Is it any wonder Americans have no respect 
for our so-called "sacred" institutions?

As most of you probably know, this past week, Chuck Schumer relaxed the Senate dress code so that slovenly bum John Fetterman can enter the Senate chamber in his “trademark” shorts, sneakers, and sweatshirt.

Didn't these guys spend the last two and a half years banging on about how the US Capitol is a sacred monument to our "democracy," deserving of the utmost reverence and respect?

How quickly they forget.

Chuck Schumer transformed the World's Most Deliberative Body into a Frat House with the stroke of a pen.

Then again, at the end of the movie "Animal House," we learn that the slovenly John Blutarsky became a US Senator. Perhaps with John Fetterman, America is finally living through "Animal House: The Later Years."

Is it too much to expect a United States Senator to wear a suit and tie?

I realize that Bluto Fetterman is trying to go with that "Working Class Hero" look. But he isn't a working-class anything. He's the son of a wealthy family who has lived off of his parents for more than fifty years.

Now he's living off of us.

Fetterman isn't some inconsequential drone working an anonymous job. He is one of 100 people responsible for confirming presidential appointments, ratifying treaties, and ensuring that state governments have a voice in Washington. It isn’t too much to expect him to show a modicum of deference and respect for the office he holds.

If the guy delivering packages for UPS can wear a specific uniform at work, then John Fetterman can show up at the US Capitol in slacks, a button-down shirt, a jacket, and a tie.

If that is too much for him, he can always resign his seat and get a job holding the "SLOW" sign at road construction sites. Unless wearing a reflective vest upsets his sensibilities, in which case, he can always go back to living off his parents.

I cannot get over the fact that Chuck Schumer got rid of the dress code just to accommodate an oversized baby who laughingly wants us to believe that the only way he can avoid depression is to dress like a slovenly frat boy rolling out of bed at three in the afternoon after an all-night bender.

Is it any wonder Americans have no respect for our so-called "sacred" institutions?

The beating heart of America's Constitutional Republic is overrun by a culture of corruption and self-gratification, filled with crooks, liars, slobs, dummies, and attention-seeking lightweights.

And this culture of corruption and self-gratification is a bipartisan affair.

Republican showboaters like Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, and Marjorie Taylor Greene are just as clownish and absurd as Democrat showboaters like Bluto Fetterman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Cory Bush.

All of them are so focused on doing what pleases them that they can't be bothered to do the job for which they were elected.

They are social media influencers disguised as legislators, and America's future is in the hands of these unserious, worthless fools. Permitting them to have power over our lives is about as sensible as handing a loaded Uzi to a drunken chimpanzee.

Is it any wonder we're drowning in debt while the country goes off the rails?

Our tax dollars are funding a Frat House.

At this rate, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if our elected “leaders" showed up at the next State of the Union Address wearing togas and doing Jello shots.

I hate them all.