Friday, August 11, 2023

The Left Has a Cognitive Disconnect When It Comes to Getting What They Voted For

Hanyala was visibly shaken and complained that this was a constant problem in San Francisco, which had become so dangerous that she refused to go out at night.

(READ: Behold the Ultimate Result of Leftism)

Looking at her TikTok history, it was pretty clear that Hanayla is one of the more stereotypical San Francisco residents. She’s a proud leftist who wears Black Lives Matter clothing and despises the Christian religion. She even manages to make innocuous billboards out to be sexist attacks against women.

Upon trying to search for her TikTok, it would appear that she deleted it at some point, but the internet is forever. YouTuber “ItsaGundam” recently released a video with her as the focus, and you can still see some of the TikTok videos she posted with his commentary.

However, there’s one video she made afterward that I feel the need to highlight that shows us something about the mind of these committed leftists.

A question was posed to her on her San Francisco video about the man who threatened her about being black. Her response was to say that it was actually a well-groomed, well-dressed white man before calling the commenter racist.

To be sure, automatically labeling her attacker as a black man without any evidence can be a racist reaction, but that’s hardly what I want to point out. Her automatic response was to claim the man was a well-dressed, well-groomed white man, which we can deduce pretty quickly to be a lie based on logic. Not because of the race, but because of the upkeep of the man.

A man who maintains his hygiene and dresses well isn’t going to go around telling millennial white women that he’s going to rape them in front of an entire crowd, especially if he’s white. That’s a death sentence for your career, reputation, and entire future. No white man in his right mind would do that.

However, it’s safe to say that this woman’s attacker wasn’t in his right mind. San Francisco is a cesspool of homeless drug addicts. They’re everywhere in that city. They have open-air drug dens and homeless people passed out or asleep in the middle of its sidewalks.

The aforementioned behavior sounds exactly like something a homeless drug addict would do.

The fact that Hanayla zoned in on this one comment in order to virtue signal her lack of racism (at least toward everyone but white people) is a bit on the bizarre side. There’s no real value in it unless she’s trying to score more clout for her leftism. If she truly did want to set the record straight about the man’s real identity, then why didn’t she by just telling us the truth in that response?

More importantly, why didn’t she just say that the race of the person doesn’t matter? The problem is clearly San Francisco and its policies. Its laws and regulations are causing the drug-addicted homeless to flood the streets and present very real dangers to its residents. She doesn’t feel safe in the entire city, not a certain section, and if that’s the case, then the problem is the people who run it.

But she doesn’t make that connection or, at the very least, doesn’t want to make that connection publicly. She still wants to virtue signal and maintain her leftist standing after releasing a video that effectively became a huge “told ya so” for conservatives making points about total Democrat control.

You get what you vote for, but Hanayla is so immersed in her ideology that she can’t understand that it’s her ideology that’s causing the problem. There’s something there that stops her from making that logical leap.

Perhaps it’s a habit, or maybe it’s the fact that she doesn’t want to come to terms that her long-held beliefs are wrong. Perhaps she’s scared of what her friends will say if she doesn’t make up for her former video in some way. Maybe that’s why she deleted her TikTok. She’d done too much damage to her own belief system.

No matter how you slice it, Hanayla caused the problem she was having. She, and the people who think like her, are the reason San Francisco is a grotesque hell hole. All she and her ilk have to do is not vote Democrat anymore, but they can’t stop. Being a leftist is part of their very identity. They would rather watch their city burn and see each other assaulted than dare speak out against the body politic. That’s how convinced they are that they’re the good guys despite all the evidence telling them they aren’t.

Congratulations, you’re not racist, but you are an enabler of evil.