Friday, July 7, 2023

The People’s President – Trump Campaign Raises $35 Million, With Average Contribution $34.20

According to Trump campaign officials talking to Politico about recent fundraising, in the second quarter of this year the Trump campaign raised $35 million with an average contribution of $34.20 per donor.   Doing the math, that’s over a million small donors, average Americans, supporting President Trump.

This level of small donor fundraising reminds us of the summer of 2016 when former RNC Chairman Reince Priebus first saw the scale of small donors for President Trump and suddenly realized no political candidate before him had ever assembled such a massive level of grassroots support. Many of those donors contributing for the first time in their lives.

The reality of the “people’s president” is inside this jaw-dropping data-point.  While all other candidates need to fundraise from the grass roots only to water down the scale of the big donors behind them, President Trump builds his political empire from the bottom up.

Florida Governor and presidential candidate Ron DeSantis has the backing of the Wall Street, billionaires and hedge fund managers, a select small group of very affluent donors with massive financial resources.

Keep in mind, the RGA, also funded by those same financial elite, previously transferred $20 million to the DeSantis Florida construct in a proactive measure to fund the 2024 operation before the DeSantis managers transferred the money for use in the national campaign.

The $20 million in 2022 was a big *tell* indicating the proactive financial positioning. DeSantis ’24 was a long preplanned operation; the RGA money was a proactive positioning assist.

While the DeSantis network has more than $100 million amassed, almost all of it from big multinationals and corporate supporters; what they do not have are small donors.  Therein lies the difference.  Therein lies the fraud.  Yes, even in the financial data you will discover the scheme.

(Via Politico) – […] The former president’s joint fundraising committee raked in more than $35 million, according to a campaign official. That figure is about twice the $18.8 million the committee raised during the first quarter of the year. The joint fundraising committee is split between two entities: Trump’s official campaign, and his leadership political action committee, Save America.

The total amount raised is likely to further cement Trump’s status as the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. It also underscores that the twin indictments he’s facing — with the possibility of more to come — are mobilizing his base of online donors. The average donation was $34.20, according to his campaign. (read more)

When people ask me how I was so certain last year that Ron DeSantis was going to run in 2024, the $20 million from the Republican Governors Association is often the easiest reference point that doesn’t need a lot of explanation.

Ron DeSantis was polling in the high double digits ahead of Charlie Crist; he literally didn’t need campaign money – yet the RGA sent him $20 million, their biggest allocation of financial resources.

It didn’t make sense….. Unless, that allocation was essentially a pre-positioned fund for use in ’24.

Once you accept that reality, then you begin to see the footprints of control and intent.

The Sea Island donors to Ron DeSantis are the same big donors to the RGA.  The RGA pre-positioned the $20 million, because the RGA always knew the bigger goal, the hidden goal, that Ron DeSantis was always going to run for the ’24 nomination.  The money was a Big Club move that highlights their secretive operation.

♦ The Illusion of Choice – Once you realize the Republican Governors Association was in on the 2024 anti-Trump control operation all along, then you can look at what other influences the Republican governors would deploy as part of the agenda.  That’s where the changing of state primary dates, delegate distribution rules and control of electoral operations starts to surface.

This is what we are up against.