Friday, July 7, 2023

Report: MTG Voted out by Members of House Freedom Caucus

Report: MTG Voted out by Members of House Freedom Caucus

Becca Lower reporting for RedState 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has been removed from the most staunch group of conservatives in the House of Representatives, the Freedom Caucus (HFC), a member confirmed, in a report published Thursday by Politico.

A member of the House Freedom Caucus on Thursday confirmed that the conservative group has voted to boot Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) — a vote first reported by POLITICO last week.

Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) told the publication:

A vote was taken to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from the House Freedom Caucus for some of the things she’s done.

And he added what one of those “things she’s done” was—Greene’s behavior during the recent spat she had on the House floor with fellow HFC member, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-GA).

As Bonchie wrote in “Feud Between MTG and Lauren Boebert Turns Vulgar on the House Floor, Both Respond to the Dust Up”:

….Marjorie Taylor Greene approached Lauren Boebert and expressed outrage at the latter’s recent move to introduce articles of impeachment against Joe Biden. Things got spicier from there, with Green reportedly calling Boebert a “little b***h” during the exchange.

The New York Post shared a transcript of the alleged conversation:

“I’ve donated to you, I’ve defended you. But you’ve been nothing but a little b***h to me,” Greene (R-Ga.) reportedly told Boebert (R-Colo.). “And you copied my articles of impeachment after I asked you to cosponsor them.”

After Greene cursed her colleague out, Boebert responded by shrugging her shoulders and saying, “OK, Marjorie, we’re through,” the report said.

“We were never together,” Greene reportedly shot back, as Boebert had her back turned.

Harris expanded on the reason, explaining to Politico that it was a matter of decorum by a member:

I think the way she referred to a fellow member was probably not the way we expect our members to refer to other fellow, especially female, members.

And when asked “if Greene breaking from the group on the debt bill or her support for McCarthy were factors,” Harris agreed that they were a part of her ousting. He continued:

I think the straw that broke the camel’s back was publicly saying things about another member in terms that no one should.

Neither a spokesperson for the Freedom Caucus nor Greene have responded with comment to the news. HFC did note that it “does not comment on membership or internal process.”

One important side-note on this: only one other Freedom Caucus member has left it since it was formed—and he left by choice. Remember Justin Amash? I barely do. Maybe some readers will remember when he considered running for president in 2020 as a libertarian.

Yeah. Anyway, whatever rolls out of this move by the conservatives in the House, we’ll keep you posted.