Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Indefatigable Happy Warrior for The People

A Smiling President Trump Receives Prayers from 
Miami Dade Cuban American Community 

Departing the federal courthouse, President Donald Trump stopped at the well-known Cafe’ Versailles, a Cuban-American bakery.  A variety of locally known religious and community people were there to greet President Trump and pray with him to defeat the Marxist enemy within the American government.  It is quite a remarkable moment.

President Trump took the time to greet the crowd, thank them for their support and encourage everyone to stay focused on Making America Great Again.  President Trump looked upbeat, sounds positive and reflects the happy warrior spirit as he is surrounded by a community who admires and respects his leadership.   This is the Miami-Dade community that turned red specifically to support Donald Trump and the America First agenda he advances.

Several videos from the stop at the bakery below {Direct Rumble Link} – WATCH:

At a certain point you do end up shaking your head at the professionally republican candidates who think they can defeat our President.   It really is absurd when you think about it, and then realize those candidates are not stupid people – they too understand they cannot defeat President Trump, yet there they are.

It makes you realize the scope of elitist perspectives and financial corruption in Republican political circles when you think about a corporate system demanding someone else, and yet the overwhelming majority of the voting base say, nope – Trump is our guy.  Yet the corporate party will not stop trying to destroy him.