Wednesday, June 14, 2023

President Trump Spox Statement From Outside the Federal Courthouse in Miami

As President Donald Trump stands with his legal team to defend himself against political prosecution, his spokesperson Alina Habba delivered a statement and addressed reporters outside the federal courthouse in Miami.

Habba accurately noted the people currently in control of our government do not love this country. They are trying to tear this country apart and Donald J Trump is a tool to achieve that objective.  This is their goal. This is the fundamental change they desire.  Isolation, ridicule and fear are their goals as they use the weaponized power of the full governmental apparatus against their opposition.  WATCH:

Keep in mind, the powers that seek to control the American political system, and ultimately the lives of every person in this nation, need the average person to feel despair, isolated and alone.  Those who use weaponized power to isolate, ridicule and marginalize, need to control the mechanisms of social life in order to stop people from connecting to the majority.

We are in an abusive relationship with our government.  The people running the Biden administration need to ensure the American people do not assemble against them.  Every mechanism and institution are being leveraged toward that objective.  When you understand that larger goal that underpins their power, you can make earnest effort to defeat this psychological war by engaging in purposeful fellowship.

As history is a guide, when the abused take to the streets, villages and hamlets, they realize they are not alone.  Defeating the abuser starts first by destroying the dark imaginings of fear the abuser creates in order to retain control.  Ultimately this is the purpose behind the message, ‘live your best life.