Thursday, June 15, 2023

Fox News Says the Quiet Part About Biden Out Loud, While PBS Parrots Left-Wing Talking Points


Fox News Says the Quiet Part About Biden Out Loud, While PBS Parrots Left-Wing Talking Points

Fox News Says the Quiet Part About Biden Out Loud, While PBS Parrots Left-Wing Talking Points
AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

Conservatives and Fox News have had an unusual relationship over the years. For a long time, many conservatives have thought of Fox News as “their” network because of its more fair-minded news coverage and right-leaning opinion hosts. But the network has gone the way of the mainstream media on numerous occasions, and the firing of Tucker Carlson was the straw that broke the camel’s back for many conservative (former) viewers of Fox News.

But on Tuesday night, as former president Donald Trump addressed his supporters from Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., Fox News showed a split screen of Trump and President Joe Biden as he delivered remarks from the White House about the upcoming Juneteenth holiday. Shortly before 9 p.m. EDT, the chyron on the screen said the quiet part about Biden out loud.

Fox News only played audio of Trump’s speech, but the brutally honest chyron read, “Wannabe dictator speaks at White House after having his political rival arrested.” Check it out:

Hey Joe, do you need some ice for that burn? Related: Disgraceful: The Left’s Trumped-up Charges Damage More Than Donald J. Trump Let’s contrast Fox News’ coverage of the speech with the message that PBS sent. During NewsHour‘s coverage of Trump’s remarks, the network that’s supposed to represent “the public” ran a chyron that read, “CONTEXT: Experts warn that inflammatory rhetoric from elected officials or people in power can prompt individual actors to commit acts of violence.” (Apologies for the language in the tweet below…)

 Seriously, PBS? First of all, who are your “experts,” and where’s their proof? Second, did you run a chyron like this during Biden’s “dark Brandon” speech last September? Or did your “experts” weigh in on inflammatory rhetoric from people like Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi?

PBS admits that “federal funding provides only about 15% of the revenue for the public television system.” State and local governments provide another roughly 15%, but 30% public funding should be enough for PBS to have more accountability to the people rather than sounding like it caters only to the far left. When you shake it all down, PBS is just MSNBC without commercials.

Guess who’s never afraid to call out the left — including the media? That’s right, we are! These days, so many media outlets rely on big-name corporate donors (or foundations in the case of PBS), but we’re independent, which means we’re beholden to no one. And that means that your support means the world to us.

Fox News Says the Quiet Part About Biden Out Loud, While PBS Parrots Left-Wing Talking Points – PJ Media

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