Thursday, June 15, 2023

Confirmation That the Biden Family Are Disgusting Human Beings Arises

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

New details of Hunter Biden’s behavior, enabled and supported by his parents, are confirming just how disgusting the Biden family is.

According to the Free Beacon, the president’s degenerate son refused to even have contact with the mother of his daughter, Navy, during her pregnancy. He also cut them off financially and declined to even see a picture of the daughter he has now disowned. Further, the text messages mention Lunden Roberts’ “decision” not being supported by Hunter Biden, indicating that he wanted her to abort the child and was angry that she didn’t.

The text messages show Hunter Biden dropped out of contact a few months into her pregnancy, cut off her salary and health insurance shortly after she gave birth, and declined to even see a photograph of his newborn daughter. He had initially put her on his company’s payroll, likely to provide her with health care during the pregnancy. The messages show she did not go to court to seek child support until several months after Biden cut her off from his company’s health insurance.

Hunter Biden reopened the paternity case last September, saying he could no longer afford to pay Roberts the $20,000-per-month in child support he had agreed to during his father’s presidential campaign in 2020. He is also asking the court to block the child from taking the “Biden” last name.

Hunter Biden, who initially denied he was the girl’s father until a court-ordered DNA test proved him wrong, said he has “no recollection” of sleeping with Roberts after they met in 2017, noting that he was a drug addict and had many casual sex partners at the time.

But according to text messages, Roberts and Hunter Biden were in frequent contact and discussed her pregnancy for the first few months. He added her to the payroll at his company, Owasco P.C., a perk that came with health insurance. But the text messages indicate that Biden was unhappy about Roberts’s pregnancy, and he dropped out of contact when she was about three months along.

As a father, it’s impossible for me to imagine ever treating my own child that way. Hunter Biden wasn’t just a reluctant parent, navigating a difficult situation (of his own making). He was a vindictive aggressor who sought to punish his own child for simply being born. Even today, he’s fighting in court to deny his daughter his last name. The sheer evil it takes to act that way is astonishing.

But what makes the situation so much worse is the involvement of Joe and Jill Biden in all this. It’d be one thing if Hunter Biden did what he did and his parents rebuked him and picked up the slack. Instead, they have openly supported their son’s horrifying behavior, with Joe Biden describing Hunter Biden as “the smartest person” he knows after all this transpired.

At no point have Joe and Jill Biden attempted to include their granddaughter in their lives. Pictures have shown they won’t even hang a stocking for her at Christmas. That makes them just as culpable in this grotesque situation as their son is.

I’m way past the point of pretending there’s an ounce of decency in any member of the Biden family. These people are sick, and that’s a statement based on evidence, not political animus. How did someone who disowns his own granddaughter rise to the presidency? How far has this nation fallen that the American people would tolerate such from their leaders?

The Biden family has shown all of us exactly who they are. We should believe them, and the press should stop making excuses for them. I’d venture to say the Bidens are the most dysfunctional, abjectly immoral public family in modern history.