Sunday, September 18, 2022

It’s Time to Stop the Left’s ‘Fact Check’ Scheme

The court system may provide the only civil solution to counter their censorious behavior.

When Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in September 2020 and President Trump began moving to replace her, the Left was at their typical level of rage. I was walking along Main Street in my hometown of Grapevine, Texas one morning shortly after the justice’s passing and was struck by a perspective of her career that I decided to tweet: 

Just a reminder that Ruth Bader Ginsburg could have casually retired at 80 yrs old under Obama and been replaced by an ultra progressive in their 40s . . . but they chose not to. 

It’s not Republicans’ or Trump’s fault that they get the opportunity to push through a new justice. 

 I thought very little of this tweet because it was simply sharing my opinion, until a little more than a week later, I saw my opinion blurred out, flagged as “false” and “missing context” on Instagram. I was then informed by people who wanted to follow my account that they had been given the following prompt when they clicked to follow me:

From that point forward, every account that posted a screenshot of my Justice Ginsburg replacement tweet would be given the same treatment on the platform.

Unbeknownst to me, USA Today had “fact-checked” my opinion—then that “fact check” was used by Facebook and Instagram to restrict accounts on their platforms. The “fact check” article claims that I actually lied when I shared my opinion that Barack Obama could have replaced Ginsburg with an ultra-progressive, had she simply retired.

The same treatment was given to a tweet of mine in May 2022 by a Tegna broadcasting “fact check” group called Verify This.  I tweeted:

Johnny Depp v Amber Heard trial = NONSTOP WALL-TO-WALL COVERAGE!!! 

Ghislaine Maxwell trial = an occasional courtroom sketch or mention.

 The “fact checker” in their article stated this was “FALSE” because “THE QUESTION” was “Do all courts have the same camera policy?” They went on to make a TikTok video where the “fact checker” concludes that, I’m suggesting “pretty suspicious reasons” why the coverage is different.

Both examples above are how the modern “fact-checking” regime works. They don’t like your opinion, so they add “context” that wasn’t there in the first place, then disprove the context they added, knowing you will be flagged and possibly suspended from social media.

It seems impossible, but this is how modern-day fascism has crept into our society. When considering where we have landed as a society, I always think of the book-burning scene in Indiana Jones. In the scene, Nazi soldiers are throwing every book they disagree with on a massive fire and celebrating the destruction of opposing opinions. Modern-day book burning doesn’t look as dirty. In my case, two young female “journalists” named Mariah and Kyley attempted to eliminate my opinion from society, most likely while sipping on a $7 latte in a trendy coffee shop in Brooklyn.

Instead of heaping my writings on a large bonfire with others, they added their own context to my 280 characters or less, then published the disproving of that added context to millions of viewers from their major media outlets, all while fully aware that Meta would use their false context to flag and even ban people with whom they disagree.  

Instead of going back to their barracks, it’s off to happy hour at that cute craft cocktail bar after they finish their elimination of the opposing opinions for the day. More effective than one fascist soldier merely burning a bookhundreds, if not thousands of people will be silenced by the results of their work.  

Unlike most of those who are frequently silenced, I am fortunate enough to have outlets that will continue to amplify my voice. But for many others, they may feel intimidated, worried, and afraid to share their opinions ever again.  

There aren’t many ways to rectify these actions by the regime in our time. Rogan O’Handley, known as DC Draino on Instagram began bringing lawsuits with the help of Harmeet Dhillon against social media companies and the state of California for censoring his opinions after the 2020 election. I believe he’s onto something. 

Ultimately, a fact-check article against the opinion of someone like myself or O’Handley is an attempt to smear or defame us with the ultimate goal of eliminating our voices from society. The object is far worse when strategies are turned against those who aren’t political commentators for a living. In their cases, it’s an attempt at getting them fired from their jobs, simply for sharing an opinion.

What can be done? Perhaps it’s time for class action lawsuits against these major media companies and the reporters who feel empowered to cancel others’ free speech with their own opinions. The Mariahs and Kyleys of the world are modern-day book burners—and aside from calling out their lies, which I have done multiple times on the platforms I still have—the court system may provide the only civil solution to counter their censorious behavior.

X22, And we Know, and more- Sept 18


May this finally be the week I get some new Hetty content that isn't a written teaser. Here's tonight's news:

Oh, and a good friend of mine has a new site up. Check it out:

Stop Importing People and Start Exporting an Idea

The developed world is making a fatal mistake in building flawed social and economic systems which require an ever-expanding population to function.

In nature, systems operate in dynamic equilibrium. There is a flow and balance, a yin and yang to all parts. We see the same process in the evolution of societies as the wonders of modernity flow throughout civilization.

What does this have to do with immigration? Everything. With modernity the old immigration thinking based on only more and more bodies is in direct conflict with present physical and technological reality.

But before we explore this let us rid ourselves of that old chestnut where we must welcome all immigration since “we are a nation of immigrants.” As a factual matter, all nations are nations of immigrants, it is only the timing of this immigration that might be different.

The U.S. population is just over 333 million. Without immigration, our population growth essentially would be flat, perhaps even on the decline. Some would call this a stable population and it wasn’t that long ago that most thought this was a good thing. In fact, most thought of it as a requirement for the long-term survival of the country and even the world.

But with immigration this country imports a new person every 126 seconds (most of these being low-skilled) for a net gain of a new person every 23 seconds! And if all illegal immigration were to be recorded, the numbers are most certainly worse than this.

Why is this a good thing for this country and how can it ultimately end well? Some in the business community believe we need population growth to drive economic growth. This is a fatally flawed design. Any economic system that requires an ever-expanding population is sooner or later destined to fail. These are called Ponzi schemes and they all crash sooner or later, it is a mathematical certainty.

Do we willingly allow the population to grow and grow, all driven by immigration, until it collapses? 

Whether we like it or not, we humans have become this planet’s stewards. Our long-term success is not remotely assured but ignoring reality and building fatally flawed systems upon which hundreds of millions rely is certain to lead to our and perhaps the planet’s demise.

Yet the solution is right before our eyes and is happening every day. There is a symmetry and self-balancing nature driven by modernity. Modernity brings freedom and rule of law. Modernity brings the scientific process and widespread knowledge of all aspects of reality. Together these provide the framework for wealth creation. This wealth creation further drives innovations in all areas of life. It creates a virtuous circle where one good thing leads to another good thing and on and on.

One feature of this symmetry is the reduction in the number of people required to generate the same or even more economic output. Almost all predict in just the next few years we will see an explosion of these innovations even further reducing the number of people required to accomplish the same things—hitting low skilled jobs the hardest.

This is in perfect harmony with another feature of modernity, birth rates dropping and populations stabilizing. All of these pieces support the others and they all move more or less in harmony. It is clear the world-wide answer to the “population explosion” is freedom and modernity and anything which distorts this harmony by definition will be destructive.

So why does this country want to import a new person every 126 seconds? What jobs will there be for them? How is this in harmony with this modernity symmetry? It is not.

Sadly, our governmental social systems and those in Western Europe are also based on a flawed population-driven design which requires an ever-expanding population. Much like the economic argument for more and more people, this design ensures the system will sooner or later collapse. The only question is when. This fatal flaw is made only worse as life expectancies become longer. It would seem to make the most sense to start addressing this now rather than later.

In addition, it takes a few generations before modernity slows birth rates down to a stable population. Right now, modernity has controlled our population. A stable population is staring us in the face if we just accept it. Where are the environmentalists demanding we accept this?

Instead, as we import more and more people, we ensure we collectively lose control of population growth—like most of the so-called developing world.

Rather than importing people, perhaps we should be spreading the message of freedom and modernity and all of the wonders it brings to all parts of the globe. Individuals in these countries may choose to ignore these wonders; that is their choice. But exporting their “surplus” population to the United States is not a solution for either country. 

The developed world is making a fatal mistake in building flawed social and economic systems which require an ever-expanding population to function. Importing millions of people will only delay the day of reckoning and ensure the crash is that much worse, to say nothing of the probable destruction of our country’s culture.

If we take this path, we are willingly and knowingly failing as stewards of America and of the entire planet. It’s our choice. 

Big Tech Whistleblower Exposes Twitter’s Close Relationship With The Chinese Communist Party

Twitter has been cozying up to members of the ChiCom Party while cracking down on Americans.

A former Twitter executive testified to the U.S. Congress on Tuesday regarding concerns about Twitter’s data security issues. His testimony and the following Q&A with senators revealed many problems relating to the safety and security of user data, but the most disturbing revelation was Twitter’s relationship with China. 

Peiter Zatko, the former head of security at Twitter, was fired by the company in January of this year. Zatko filed a whistleblower complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) last month, alleging the company “prioritized profits over security” and exposed Twitter users worldwide to data privacy and security risks. Zatko especially raised concern about the company’s cozy relationship with foreign governments, such as China.

Although the Chinese government officially bans Twitter, the company, according to Zatko, has been eager to kowtow to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for the sake of the company’s bottom line. Twitter’s cooperation with the Chinese government is two-fold. One aspect is user data security. Zatko disclosed that the FBI notified Twitter that at least one Chinese agent was working in the company. It was not clear what the company did about this. 

Zatko said he and some other Twitter employees had voiced their concerns to senior executives about the possibility that the CCP would be able to access sensitive Twitter user data. The CCP could use this information to monitor dissidents inside China and overseas critics, quickly locate their whereabouts and impose harm on them. 

According to the Wall Street Journal, Chinese authorities imprisoned more than 50 Chinese citizens between 2019 and 2021 for using Twitter and other foreign platforms to criticize Beijing’s policy. For example, one Chinese user with fewer than 300 followers was sentenced to jail for nine months after complaining on Twitter about Beijing’s mishandling of Covid-19.

Even for overseas Beijing critics, threats to our safety are real. For instance, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) unveiled three such cases early this year, accusing five individuals, including Americans and undercover agents sent from China, of “stalking, harassing, and spying on” Chinese dissidents in the United States on behalf of China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS). China also boasted that it had brought more than 8,000 overseas Chinese “criminals” back to China under its Operation Fox Hunt and Operation Sky Net programs, bypassing local jurisdictions. 

In 2011, Twitter settled with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) related to the company’s handling of user data. According to Zatko, the company Twitter has made “little meaningful progress on basic security, integrity and privacy systems” since then. As a Twitter user and vocal critic of the CCP, I entrusted my data to the company. It is unsettling to learn from the whistleblower’s complaint how little the company values my privacy and safety.

Zatko’s congressional testimony on Tuesday also referenced the latest report from Reuters, which uncovered another disturbing aspect of Twitter’s cozy relationship with the CCP. Twitter’s ad revenue from the China region “has seen an 800-fold improvement since 2014,” and China is “the platform’s fastest-growing overseas ad market and one of its largest non-U.S. revenue sources.” How did this happen?

It turned out that although the Chinese government has banned its citizens from accessing Twitter, it recognized that western social media could play an essential role in the CCP’s overseas influence campaigns. Chinese government agencies, state media, and their representatives (including CCP members) have opened Twitter accounts, purchased advertisements on the platform, and used Twitter to spread Beijing’s propaganda and misinformation in efforts to shape public opinion overseas. Driven to grow its bottom line, Twitter’s China sales team reportedly aggressively courted local Chinese governments. 

In his whistleblower complaint, Zatko alleged that “Twitter executives knew that accepting Chinese money risked endangering users in China … but Twitter was too dependent upon the revenue stream at this point to do anything other than attempt to increase it.”

Chinese government agencies and their representatives reportedly used the purse’s power to demand blue checks on their accounts, lending them credibility for unsuspected users worldwide. While Twitter often violates American citizens’ constitutionally protected right to free speech by temporarily or permanently suspending accounts in the name of combating misinformation and disinformation, it rarely applies such censorship to Chinese government accounts. 

For example, former China’s ambassador to the United States, Cui Tian Kai, denied Beijing’s suppression of the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong and human rights abuses against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang on Twitter. Zhao Lijian, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson and a well-known “wolf diplomat,” spread a conspiracy theory of Covid-19’s origin on Twitter and accused the U.S. military of bringing the coronavirus to China.

Even though there are mountains of evidence suggesting both Cui’s and Zhao’s tweets as disinformation, their tweets remain intact, and their accounts were never suspended. While demonstrating great deference to Chinese government officials, Twitter has suspended, even permanently banned, many Americans for tweeting “Men aren’t women.”

Twitter is currently fighting a legal battle with Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla. Musk made an offer to purchase Twitter but backed out of the deal, alleging the company misrepresented its business, among other things. Zatko’s whistleblower complaint will no doubt strengthen Musk’s case. 

For many Twitter users worldwide, Zatko did a public service by revealing the company’s many problems, including its relationship with the Chinese government. The whistleblower complaint also exposed Twitter’s double standards and hypocrisy regarding free speech. It is time that all Twitter users think long and hard about whether we should continue to support this social media platform and let it profit from our activities and information while risking our privacy and safety.

Harvard Attorney and TikTok Influencer States Soros Funded Group Offered to Pay $400 For Anti-Trump Propaganda Video About January 6th

(HatTip Twitter and The Gateway Pundit) Attorney Preston Moore received his JD from Harvard Law School and currently works at a law firm Beasley Allen in Atlanta, Georgia.  Mr. Moore does videos on TikTok and is considered a well followed influencer on the social media platform.

Mr. Moore recently disclosed on a video that he was contacted by a person from the Good Information Foundation, a non-profit arm of the Good Information Inc organization.  {Direct Rumble Link} Good Information Inc was founded by billionaires Reid Hoffman and George Soros {citation}.  Mr Moore recently stated in one of his videos that he was offered $400 by the Good Information group, to spread false and defamatory information about President Trump related to the January 6 investigation.  WATCH:

According to a 2021 article by Axios, “Good Information Inc. aims to fund and scale businesses that cut through echo chambers with fact-based information. As part of its mission, it plans to invest in local news companies. The group [is] led by Tara McGowan, a former Democratic strategist who previously ran a progressive non-profit called ACRONYM.” {citation}

Put it all together and what we have is George Soros funding a progressive entity under the auspices of providing “Good Information,” that is actually political disinformation and false claims intended to do damage to political opposition and create false narratives.  Mr. Moore is outlining is intentional fraud, funded by George Soros and organized by Democrat strategist Tara McGowan.

Why Is the DOJ Trying to Destroy Mike Lindell, the Pillow Guy?

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

You may know him as the hyper, slightly-goofy pillow pitchman from TV who can regularly be found on Fox News hawking his MyPillow product along with Giza Dream sheets, slippers, and more. You might have even seen him on a poster in Bed Bath & Beyond or Walmart before they predictably—in the woke corporate age—dropped him from their lineups.

Full disclosure: I own a MyPillow; I bought one long before I had any inkling of Lindell’s political leanings. I was just looking for a better way to sleep, and guess what? It delivered: now I can’t sleep without it.

Things took a sinister turn Tuesday, as Nick Arama reported: Lindell was tracked down by FBI agents, corralled at a Hardee’s of all places, served a subpoena, and ordered to turn over his cell phone. What in the heck is going on here? Is Pillow Guy secretly a violent white nationalist, a Russian spy spewing disinformation, an international arms dealer, what?

Independent journalist  obtained a copy of the subpoena:

Copy of the Mike Lindell subpoena, via Emerald Robinson on Substack.

Lindell’s crime sounds especially sinister, according to CNN:

The Justice Department is seeking information about at least seven people in connection with a breach of a Colorado county’s voting system as part of efforts to subvert the 2020 election results, according to subpoena documents obtained by CNN that reveal new details about the breadth of the investigation.

Well, this certainly sounds like a case worthy of the full weight of the FBI, and it seems entirely justified that armed agents were needed to ambush Lindell at a fast-food restaurant. Not.

It’s impossible to give Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice even the slightest benefit of the doubt in this day and age, as they have subpoenaed virtually half the free world and raided former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate on a seemingly endless fishing expedition. Pillow Guy’s story is equally murky; there are a lot of suspicions and dark insinuations thrown about by the FBI, but little in the way of facts that make you go, “oh man! Lindell really crossed the line on that one!” Without boring the heck out of you, I’ll try to sum it up quickly:

Lindell has been an outspoken critic of the 2020 presidential election and has regularly said he believes the outcome was fraudulent. This would appear to be his worst crime. But did he breach voting data machines?

The subpoena issued to MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell earlier this week lists the names of people considered “subjects” in the investigation – including people involved in efforts to seize voting machine data in several states as former President Donald Trump and his allies tried to overturn his electoral loss. Lindell has not been charged with any crimes or wrongdoing.
[Emphasis mine.]

Of course, this being today’s DOJ, the subpoena demands “all records and information” from his phone that might involve the seven other individuals named. The phrase “all records and information” seems to be turning up a lot lately, doesn’t it?

In a nutshell, the investigation is probing Lindell’s effort to analyze voting data from machines in several jurisdictions. Did he break the law to get some of this information? Time will tell, but it sure has the smell of FBI overkill once again. For instance, most of the rest of the CNN article goes on to describe Lindell’s efforts to promote his view that the election was stolen. Newsflash: that is not a crime.

Take Friday’s nasty hit piece by Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank. The author spends barely a sentence describing the alleged crime: “The feds seized the phone in a probe into Trump allies’ breach of voting machines in Colorado, which state authorities are also investigating.” The entire remainder of the article is a snarky, mean-spirited assault on the man’s character, with many a “humorous” pillow pun thrown in. Here’s a sentence of this bile:

There is something exquisite about a former professional gambler, recovering crack cocaine addict, showy evangelical (Lindell often wears a cross outside his collar, like an amulet) and pillow kingpin organizing the undoing of democracy.

Milbank doesn’t like his style, so Lindell should be thrown in jail?

Perhaps Lindell did breach voting systems in defiance of the law, and if so, he should pay the price. But the Department of Justice, by its own actions, has lost all credibility and it’s almost impossible at this point not to impute a more sinister motive behind every one of its ham-handed moves.

Will Lindell’s be another case where a Trump associate is never charged with anything, and the DOJ eventually slinks away after ruining someone else’s life?

Scandalous: Biden Reportedly Pressuring FBI Agents to 'Find' Cases That Push 'Domestic Extremism' Talking Points

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

A new report is confirming what many have suspected for years: The Biden administration is allegedly pressuring FBI agents via top officials to “find” crimes that support the president’s “domestic extremism” talking points.

Going back to 2021, federal law enforcement targeted parents at school board meetings as terroristic threats for speaking out. Over the course of Biden’s term, we’ve also seen top FBI and DOJ brass, including Dir. Christopher Wray and AG Merrick Garland, repeatedly assert that “domestic extremism,” specifically white supremacy, is the nation’s top threat.

According to rank-and-file agents, though, the demand for such crimes far outstrips the supply. The report comes via The Washington Times.

“The demand for White supremacy” coming from FBI headquarters “vastly outstrips the supply of White supremacy,” said one agent, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “We have more people assigned to investigate White supremacists than we can actually find.”

This isn’t surprising. How many stories do you actually hear of real, violent white supremacist attacks in this country? No one is denying that cosplaying nazis exist and that they never commit racially motivated crimes, but their numbers are so minuscule and their threat so small that it’s extremely rare that you see a direct attack. On no planet does that add up to being the nation’s top domestic threat.

Yet, the Biden administration has made one of its chief talking points that white supremacy and “right-wing extremism” is the preeminent threat of our time. It’s been a political boon for the White House as they seek to then paint their Republican opponents as either participants in or instigators of such ideology.

“We are sort of the lapdogs as the actual agents doing these sorts of investigations, trying to find a crime to fit otherwise First Amendment-protected activities,” he said. “If they have a Gadsden flag and they own guns and they are mean at school board meetings, that’s probably a domestic terrorist.”

Also included in the Times’ report is a quote from a man named Brian Levin, who purports to study hate crimes in the United States. Per his findings, hate crimes rose by 20% in 2021.

Mr. Levin, an independent, said White supremacist ideology consistently motivates the most deadly hate-fueled attacks. He noted a concerning rise in online extremism among White supremacist groups.

“We have these ticking time bombs walking around like Buffalo or Mother Emanuel church,” he said, referring to mass shootings where Blacks were targeted. “That’s something that we really have to have to address. White supremacy is absolutely something that we have to look at as not only a hate crime issue but a national security issue.”

Notice the examples given by Levin. We know that black-on-Asian hate crimes spiked dramatically over the last few years, yet he decides to list two white supremacist shootings, one of which occurred seven years ago. Isn’t that kind of making the point? The nod to “online extremism” also seems very convenient. What does that even really mean? How can you even quantify it given you can’t know how serious any one post might be?

Again, the idea isn’t that white supremacy doesn’t exist. Of course, it does. But is it the nation’s top domestic threat? I just don’t see the evidence of that, and these FBI agents that are choosing to speak out are clearly frustrated with the politicization going on. Meanwhile, far more prevalent crimes, taking far more lives are spiking out of control in the United States while the FBI seems solely focused on bolstering Joe Biden’s talking points. That’s not how things are supposed to work, but when the federal bureaucracy is so politically compromised, this is what you get.

Behind the lawn-sign platitudes beats the heart of a NIMBY

When lawn-sign platitudes meet reality, 
reality wins every time.

It’s been rather amusing seeing how quickly the lawn-sign platitude crowd reveals their true NIMBY nature when the rubber meets the road.

Thanks to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis following through on a promise he made last year to start sending illegal aliens to places like Martha’s Vineyard and Biden’s home state of Delaware, Democrats who never tire of telling us how noble and virtuous they are quickly shifted from “Immigrants Welcome!” to “Not in My Backyard.”

It took Martha’s Vineyard less than two days to coral the 50 illegal aliens DeSantis flew to their island, load them onto buses, and send them to a military base, but not before making a grand show of how charitable and virtuous they were.

But it’s easy to be virtuous for less than two days.

A friend once told me not to rush into a relationship because any guy can be a gentleman in the short term. It’s over the long term that you find out the true nature of a guy.

The same holds true for lawn-sign liberals.

Martha’s Vineyard could only maintain the optics of kindness for about a day before the NIMBY nature that drives them came bubbling to the surface. But the NIMBY nature was there long before the charter plane had even touched down.

Trust me, arranging to get 50 illegals shipped to a military base on Cape Cod isn’t something that can be done in an instant. So while they played “Welcoming Hosts” for the benefit of the news media and Twitter, behind the scenes Martha’s Vineyard was hard at work making the arrangements to get those illegals the hell off their island.

This is the problem with lawn sign political posturing. It’s a veneer behind which hides a NIMBY hoping like hell that her lawn-sign platitudes are never put to the test.

Meanwhile, since Biden became president, border towns have become flooded with thousands of illegal aliens while the same corporate news outlets that deployed a phalanx of reporters to Martha’s Vineyard continue to turn a blind eye to the situation.

For the better part of a year, the Biden administration has been shuttling illegal aliens from the border to interior states including Florida, in the dead of night and with no advance notice. And except for the New York Post and Fox News, nobody in the American corporate media has reported on it.

But four dozen illegals land on Martha’s Vineyard, and the entire Democrat establishment goes to Defcon 4 with some of them even demanding the Justice Department investigate whether Ron DeSantis engaged in “human trafficking.”

The funniest part about this whole thing is that the media is trying to portray Operation Expose NIMBY as a huge failure on the part of Ron DeSantis.

Thursday afternoon, Huffington Post reporter Kevin Robillard tweeted, “DeSantis made a classic mistake: He gave New England liberals a chance to show how virtuous they are.”

It might have been a “classic mistake” if the “virtuous” New England liberals had managed to go longer than a day before their true NIMBY nature got the better of them.

Does this sound like a guy whose mission failed?