Sunday, September 18, 2022

Harvard Attorney and TikTok Influencer States Soros Funded Group Offered to Pay $400 For Anti-Trump Propaganda Video About January 6th

(HatTip Twitter and The Gateway Pundit) Attorney Preston Moore received his JD from Harvard Law School and currently works at a law firm Beasley Allen in Atlanta, Georgia.  Mr. Moore does videos on TikTok and is considered a well followed influencer on the social media platform.

Mr. Moore recently disclosed on a video that he was contacted by a person from the Good Information Foundation, a non-profit arm of the Good Information Inc organization.  {Direct Rumble Link} Good Information Inc was founded by billionaires Reid Hoffman and George Soros {citation}.  Mr Moore recently stated in one of his videos that he was offered $400 by the Good Information group, to spread false and defamatory information about President Trump related to the January 6 investigation.  WATCH:

According to a 2021 article by Axios, “Good Information Inc. aims to fund and scale businesses that cut through echo chambers with fact-based information. As part of its mission, it plans to invest in local news companies. The group [is] led by Tara McGowan, a former Democratic strategist who previously ran a progressive non-profit called ACRONYM.” {citation}

Put it all together and what we have is George Soros funding a progressive entity under the auspices of providing “Good Information,” that is actually political disinformation and false claims intended to do damage to political opposition and create false narratives.  Mr. Moore is outlining is intentional fraud, funded by George Soros and organized by Democrat strategist Tara McGowan.