Sunday, September 18, 2022

Behind the lawn-sign platitudes beats the heart of a NIMBY

When lawn-sign platitudes meet reality, 
reality wins every time.

It’s been rather amusing seeing how quickly the lawn-sign platitude crowd reveals their true NIMBY nature when the rubber meets the road.

Thanks to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis following through on a promise he made last year to start sending illegal aliens to places like Martha’s Vineyard and Biden’s home state of Delaware, Democrats who never tire of telling us how noble and virtuous they are quickly shifted from “Immigrants Welcome!” to “Not in My Backyard.”

It took Martha’s Vineyard less than two days to coral the 50 illegal aliens DeSantis flew to their island, load them onto buses, and send them to a military base, but not before making a grand show of how charitable and virtuous they were.

But it’s easy to be virtuous for less than two days.

A friend once told me not to rush into a relationship because any guy can be a gentleman in the short term. It’s over the long term that you find out the true nature of a guy.

The same holds true for lawn-sign liberals.

Martha’s Vineyard could only maintain the optics of kindness for about a day before the NIMBY nature that drives them came bubbling to the surface. But the NIMBY nature was there long before the charter plane had even touched down.

Trust me, arranging to get 50 illegals shipped to a military base on Cape Cod isn’t something that can be done in an instant. So while they played “Welcoming Hosts” for the benefit of the news media and Twitter, behind the scenes Martha’s Vineyard was hard at work making the arrangements to get those illegals the hell off their island.

This is the problem with lawn sign political posturing. It’s a veneer behind which hides a NIMBY hoping like hell that her lawn-sign platitudes are never put to the test.

Meanwhile, since Biden became president, border towns have become flooded with thousands of illegal aliens while the same corporate news outlets that deployed a phalanx of reporters to Martha’s Vineyard continue to turn a blind eye to the situation.

For the better part of a year, the Biden administration has been shuttling illegal aliens from the border to interior states including Florida, in the dead of night and with no advance notice. And except for the New York Post and Fox News, nobody in the American corporate media has reported on it.

But four dozen illegals land on Martha’s Vineyard, and the entire Democrat establishment goes to Defcon 4 with some of them even demanding the Justice Department investigate whether Ron DeSantis engaged in “human trafficking.”

The funniest part about this whole thing is that the media is trying to portray Operation Expose NIMBY as a huge failure on the part of Ron DeSantis.

Thursday afternoon, Huffington Post reporter Kevin Robillard tweeted, “DeSantis made a classic mistake: He gave New England liberals a chance to show how virtuous they are.”

It might have been a “classic mistake” if the “virtuous” New England liberals had managed to go longer than a day before their true NIMBY nature got the better of them.

Does this sound like a guy whose mission failed?