Monday, February 7, 2022

Ontario Judge Grants 10-Day Injunction Against Honking

A judge in Ontario has issued a 10-day injunction against honking in Ottawa.

CANADA –  Ontario Superior Court Justice Hugh McLean has granted a 10-day injunction to prevent truckers parked on city streets in downtown Ottawa from honking their horns incessantly.

McLean said Monday the injunction is temporary because he needs to hear more evidence, but that he has heard enough to make this ruling as a protest against COVID-19 pandemic measures continues to paralyze the national capital around Parliament Hill.

[…] McLean said he heard enough evidence that the continual blaring of horns was having an effect on residents that their right for “quiet, if we can use that term,” trumped the honking truckers’ right to protest.  […] the court is slated to hear more evidence on how the injunction will be enforced.  (read more)

Trucks and Geese hardest hit.

Banning Critical Race Theory Does Not Threaten Academic Freedom

Virginia’s ban and those like it represent the American public defending itself from belligerents—and none too soon.

Congratulations to Virginia’s new Governor, Glenn Youngkin, for starting strong. Immediately after his inauguration, he signed multiple executive orders, including one on education, the issue that put him in office after he stood up for parental involvement in schools to fight neo-racism. 

For those unaware, this neo-racism goes by different names including critical race theory, white privilege, or DIE (diversity, inclusion and equity). But they all end up in the same place: teaching that America is quintessentially racist, as are all whites, men, and heterosexuals. Virginia’s James Madison University actually added Christians and Americans to this list. 

Virginia is hardly alone. Other states have forced students to apologize for their privilege or take race walks of shame. 

What’s more, because these doctrines teach that racial oppression persists to this day, the only solution, allegedly, is reverse discriminationWelcome to more race shakedowns.

Youngkin’s much needed ban on “inherently divisive concepts” such as CRT is similar not only to President Trump’s EO 13950 but to many recently passed laws in other states. This legislation has prompted both discussion and confusion, including from organizations that otherwise are very clear-headed. Some now actually oppose these bans, especially in higher education, where they see threats to academic freedom and free speech, claiming: “You cannot have bans on what is taught in the classroom. Period.

Such a strong statement requires a step back. First, while these laws differ slightly in wording, they all seek to ban discrimination based on race, including the creation of racially hostile environments. They are therefore on par with laws already on the books at both the federal and state level, including the Constitution’s 14th Amendment, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, state constitutions, and state human rights laws. These bans are therefore just another component of this body of civil rights law. (Unfortunately, enforcement of these laws depends on someone’s willingness to sue, or on partisan agencies which may or may not act on a complaint.)

One wonders if those objecting to CRT laws also object to the Equal Protection clause? Or the Civil Rights Act? Indeed, Youngkin’s EO makes the ban’s connection to already established law clear when it defines “inherently divisive concepts” as “ideas [already] in violation of Title IV and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”

Second, while the university setting is correctly distinguished from high school, college-level liberties are not exemptions from the law. In other words, though professors enjoy many academic privileges, they still cannot discriminate on the basis of race in violation of the above civil rights statutes. (Youngkin’s EO actually only applies to K through 12 education, but other bans apply also to higher education.)

It is true that free speech and academic freedom are under siege on campus. The National Association of Scholars maintains a database of cancel culture’s casualties. But the roots of cancel culture are intolerant and authoritarian ideologies, like CRT itself. Concerns about these laws are, therefore, both ironic and misplaced.

One recurring issue is the supposed threat to academic freedom though this term is rarely defined, and often misunderstood. Some think it is a license for professors to say and do anything they want. Not so.

Academic freedom is the freedom of professors to pursue avenues of thought in an area of expertise. It allows them to follow where reason and evidence lead. This freedom applies mostly to faculty research and writing, but is sometimes also invoked for classroom teaching (and also by students). The condition of academic freedom enables the advancement of human knowledge in any given field. Indeed, society confers this freedom on academics precisely so it will benefit from these advances.

That said, academic freedom is not the freedom to teach anything, or to use the classroom in any way you want—even at the college level. Academic freedom is not, for example, a license to discriminate on the basis of race. Thus, while professors have wide discretion in the classroom, including permission to be novel and creative, they are not free to teach that some ethnic groups are intrinsically better or worse than others. Nor can professors single out an individual because of the individual’s racial or ethnic background and treat that individual differently than others on that basis. Those actions violate America’s civil rights laws, as described above, and are therefore illegal.

Finally, some fear that CRT bans will chill lawful and valuable in-class discussion about race at a time when these issues are on everyone’s mind. Such a chilling effect is contrary to the intellectual development of students. They therefore recommend that authorities refrain from these bans and let institutions work things out, provided they involve students, parents, and other stakeholders.

This sentiment is nice, even quaint. It’s also removed from reality.

It is not unfair to characterize what’s happening in America’s education system—from elementary through university—as a form of psychological warfare with its demonization of America’s founding (“systemic racism”) and the demoralization of its people (“oppressors”). Suggesting a quiet, candle-lit dinner when all restaurants are being carpet-bombed is not helpful.

Youngkin’s ban and those like it represent the American public defending itself from belligerents—and none too soon. 

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-Feb 7


Another day that just slogs on. Here's tonight's news:

GAC Family news (If Hallmark keeps this up, they won't have to wait for all their non sheep regular actors or huge fanbase to completely jump ship!😂😂 Animal lovers are not the group whose bad side you want to see.) :

Our Elite is No Elite At All ~ VDH

The only real recent public service of elites has been to persuade us why they were never elites at all.

An elite is always variously defined.  

The ideal elites, as ancient philosophers argued, were a “natural elite” due to their exemplary character, aptitude, and work ethic. Understandably, a towering few ascended from all walks of life to positions of power, influence, and occasional wealth.  

But such a natural meritocracy, for obvious reasons, rarely leads to an equality of result.  

Who Are Our Elite? 

Our current idea of ostensible elites could be defined by noting their money and influence. But money alone—even in the huge sums now found on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley—is not the only elite criterion.  

Donald Trump is a billionaire with much influence and lives accordingly. Yet few of our “elite” would consider him a kindred soul. Ditto Elon Musk. He is the richest man in the world. But the elite mostly despise and ostracize him.  

Birth itself has given way somewhat to insider influence and professional parentage. You may be a fifth-generation scion with a name such as Mellon, Vanderbilt, or Rockefeller, but if your dad was not an ambassador, your mom not a VP at CBS, your sibling not a Harvard professor or Google executive, you have fallen out of the elite. 

Zip codes still count. Although there are certainly “elites” who hail from Kansas City, Boise, or Sacramento, most of those who exercise national clout are found inordinately on the two coasts, from Boston to Washington, D.C., and from Seattle to San Diego—with respective windows on the wealth of Europe or Asia.  

The Obamas were going to be anointed as multimillionaires wherever they lived. But they would not necessarily remain as elite as they have become living back in Chicago rather than in a tony D.C. neighborhood and out on Martha’s Vineyard. So, it was an easy call for them to follow the trajectory of the Clintons rather than the Georgia-bound Carters.  

In the 21st century, other elite criteria seem to count as much as the old markers of lineage, money, and location. “Certification,” defined as degrees from the “right” undergraduate and graduate schools, is essential for an elite resumé. 

Such brands have little to do with education per se or aggregate knowledge acquired. (It is not clear that an Ivy League student would do better on the same SAT, taken upon graduation as earlier, upon admittance). Are our best generals those with Yale degrees, and our best CEOs those with Stanford MBAs? And are Harvard Law Review editors—think Barack Obama, the boss of Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, James Comey, and John Brennan—our top legal and ethical minds? 

The point of certification is that it is the cattle brand to open networking doorways and empower even banal arguments from authority. A Harvard MBA or a Princeton BA is not difficult to obtain. But getting into such places in the first place to obtain such a certification most certainly was hard. And whether it was in the past a matter of being white, rich, and well connected, or in the present being non-white, female, and well-connected, the key is joining an elite club—not justifying one’s membership in it by current and future demonstrable excellence. 

Another route to being an elite is found in some sort of political, media, academic, sports, or entertainment celebritythe Robert De Niros or LeBron Jameses of the world. We are not sure how all these celebrated people became elites, only that some exercise influence and win adherents through their ubiquity—and notoriety. A Don Lemon or Jeffrey Epstein is not an elite by virtue of proven achievement or innate talent, much less character. But they sort of became mysteriously famous for being famous (or infamous).  

The Kardashians are elites. But they reached this status by merchandising and popularizing larger than normal posteriors—and to be frank, more shamelessly than others—posting selfies of their ample boobs and butts. Ditto an earlier Madonna or Britney Spears, both of whom could somewhat sing in addition to doing burlesque. 

Finally, left-wing politics are essential for the new elite. The brilliant Tom Sowell or Shelby Steele is not an elite; the racialist Ibram Kendi or madwoman Joy Reid is.  

The CNN masturbatory legal-eagle Jeffrey Toobin is considered an elite expert of jurisprudence, despite having never won a landmark case or being renowned for his courtroom presence or seminal legal scholarship. In contrast, proven expert constitutionalists, such as Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito, are not so well regarded as authorities on the law by the elite.  

Does Harvard Law have a mini course on ethics, advising graduates not to expose their phalloi to female colleagues? That is the sort of Toobin illness that would earn a poor deplorable time in the clink or a lifetime on the sex-offender register, 

So woke progressivism does not just cement elite membership. It also serves as an acceptable scab to mask a lack of character beneath, especially in the case of scoundrels like one-time would-be presidential contender Michael Avenatti, or the once blackfaced like Justin Trudeau and former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam. It covers the bloody work of former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo as well as long-ago discredited fabulists like Dan Rather and Brian Williams, or plagiarists like the famous Doris Kearns Goodwin, the late Steven Ambrose, and even Joe Biden.  

The Elite Res Gestae 

What counts more, however, is not so much who becomes an oligarchical elite, but what exactly has this newer sort of elite class done for our society at large?  

Collectively, this generation’s record of leadership, such as it is, has been mostly dismal: no Hoover Dam, no subsequent moon-landing or trip to Mars, no Normandy Beach or Inchon, no polio vaccine, no “Casablanca,” “The Best Years of our Lives,” or “Shane” movies, and no novels like For Whom the Bell TollsThe Grapes of WrathTender is the NightAbsalom, Absalom! or Invisible Man—but plenty of California-like Solyndras and Stonehenge high-speed rails, skedaddles from Kabul and Benghazi, gifting of $80 billion in arms to the Taliban, double-vaxxed and boosted, sorta, kinda short-term immunity, “X-Men” and “Avenger” comic-book films, and How to Be an Anti-Racist best sellers. 

The more we gained Silicon Valley billionaires, the more we moved into the world of 1984, merely substituting J. Edgar Hoover’s G-men for woke, suit-and-tied James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Kevin Clinesmith—or legions of nerds with cancel buttons sitting in rows of computer carrels in Menlo Park. 

Movers and shakers who operate Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, or GoFundMe are much more devoted to Soviet-style censorship than to the First Amendment. They worry far more over profits rather than over the Uyghurs. And their creed is more McCarthyism than the Sermon on the Mount.  

Our four-star elite officers have more degrees than ever, more contact with the Hill and the White House—and had no more idea, than the clueless bureaucrats who dispatched them, how to discover what was the purpose in Libya or the agenda in Afghanistan. 

General Mark Milley was more interested in virtue signaling his furor at white rage than in keeping safe a $1-billion embassy in Kabul, $300-million worth of refits at the Bagram airbase, and $80 billion in arms. He was not so worried over how to win wars or keep the peace. As an elite, he knew he could ignore all that and still not be fired—if he at least virtue signaled his crusade against white rage.  

In the current generation of our loud, woke military, we will likely see Afghanistan return as a pre-9/11 terrorist headquarters, Iran go nuclear, North Korea step up its missile launches, and Taiwan and Ukraine at best squeezed into Finlandization, and at worst absorbed. 

The more the public listened to the architects of lockdowns, mandates, and quarantines—the elite at the CDC, NIH, and NIAID, the political hypocrites like California Governor Gavin Newsom, former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and sham-modelers such as Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College, London—the more people died in classical “the medicine is worse that the malady” fashion.  

There are no finer degreed-elites in the world than our medical professionals such as Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, and Peter Daszak. The three became international rock stars as they crafted a coverup by denying links between the pandemic and the Wuhan virology lab, and their own efforts either to fund or hide gain-of-function viral research.  

We don’t quite know how we got into $30 trillion of debt, normative $2-trillion deficits, growing stagflation, and adherence to an unhinged modern monetary theory that assures us printing money ensures prosperity. We only know that the 7-Eleven manager, the owner-operator truck driver, and the electrician grasp a lot more about economics than do the Ph.D.s who wrote, argued, and led us into this mess. 

The Elite Pantheon 

Finally, examine the marquee elites of the past few years. Do we remember the late Jeffrey Epstein, the pedophiliac blackmailer who posed as a legitimate money manager? Do we remember the Lolita express paparazzi who jetted to his various hot spots, whether President Emeritus Bill Clinton or the royal Prince Andrew or allegedly even the global climate change scold Bill Gates? Why did the richest men in the world and so many from Harvard University court him? In contrast, most of the working class knows enough to steer clear of pedophiles. 

We are suffering a plague of cop shootings. Yet in a few days, our multimillionaire Super Bowl entertainers will share one thing in common: They all have advocated or glorified violence against the police.  

At one time or another, we were told the following elites were geniuses or cutting-edge—men and women in the know and to be known: Woody Allen, Alec Baldwin, the two Cuomos, the always shouting, always furious, always pampered, but otherwise inane and empty Greta Thunberg. 

Our corporate elites gave millions in their stockholders’ money as penance to BLM, without a worry where, how, or why those millions were spent—or siphoned off in real estate investments by the grifter leadership.  

Nikole Hannah-Jones is now our nation’s elite chronological expert whose rare insight on race, history, and war taught the nation that 1619, not 1776, was our true foundational date. But so far, she has failed to convince anyone of her latest notion that 1865 was the first year of the Civil War.  

Ditto Whoopi Goldberg. She claims rare insight on the catalysts of the Holocaust, apparently better than its architect Adolf Hitler, who, we are told by her, really did not exterminate 6 million Jews because of his racial hatred of Jews. Instead, Professor Goldberg, of “Ghost” fame, lectures us that what went on at Treblinka was a sort of tit-for-tat catfight between white people. Had Goldberg said Hitler took chloroquine rather than killed 6 million for non-racial reasons, she would likely have been censored or kicked off social media. 

Elites hate the truckers. We know that from their outrage over the Canadian trucker strike—and Justin Trudeau’s infantile meltdown. They care little for the working moms who lost their jobs when schools closed, and who had to quit work to watch their children. They have no concern for the small businesses that went broke, as the Zoom class made more money than ever during COVID-19. The more we elected credentialed district attorneys, the more crime shot up, the innocent suffered, and the elite shrugged. 

The elite gave us the Russian collusion hoax, the beatification of the prevaricator Adam Schiff, the iconization of the disingenuous conniver Alexander Vindman, the neat idea of modern monetary theory, the bold idea of open borders, the beloved idea of critical race theory, and a spiking violent crime wave explained away by critical legal theory. 

The only real recent public service of elites has been to persuade us why they were never elites at all.

Illinois High School Students walk out



After an Illinois judge struck down mask mandates in Illinois, high school students in a Chicago suburb were still told to mask up or leave.

So they left…

Meanwhile, in Hinsdale, Illinois the school officials forced unmasked children into the auditorium despite the judge’s ruling.

Joe Biden: No Longer the Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread

The denigration of Joe Biden will escalate steadily.

Every conservative ought to read a recent article in the left-wing rag Salon, entitled “The whisper campaign against Joe Biden won’t stop—unless he can change the narrative.” It’s by Brian Karem, formerly Playboy‘s Senior White House correspondent—so you know he carries a lot of weight, morally and intellectually speaking, among Democrats and progressives. It’s what’s being said in the article that counts, though, not who’s saying it. 

Karem argues that, by naming Joseph R. Biden as Generalissimo of the Left, progressives may have . . . erred! Can you imagine? That almost sounds like . . . well, criticism! I mean, you can’t bad-mouth Joe Biden, right? He’s fighting a noble battle to “restore the soul of America” and save us all from Trumpian fascism. Heck, he’s the anti-Trump! So what would motivate a leftist to call him out? Politics, especially in a two-party system, is a zero-sum game. Any harm done to Biden and the Democrats is, almost by definition, helpful to Trump and Republicans. What gives?

The answer is that Brian Karem is this thing called a “journalist.” Journalists are supposed to tell it like it is. They’re supposed to investigate, ask questions, look under rocks and see what scurries out. 

For two years, mainstream journalists have resolutely refused to do their jobs, as we all know, when it comes to Joe Biden, the Biden family, Kamala Harris, and the Democratic Party. They’ve given all Democrats and progressives a pass when it comes to scrutiny and criticism. In fact, they’ve even joined in the mammoth effort to suppress, censor, demean, and intimidate anyone who does scrutinize or criticize the Left. They’ve done so, as Karem more or less admits, with one overriding goal in mind: the defeat of Donald Trump and the GOP. 

While painfully aware that Biden and the Democrats do have flaws, they’ve long since decided that these minor imperfections pale in comparison to the racism, sexism, lunacy, and treason that, they say, characterize the political Right. And, if you believed everything that these people believe about Trump and Trumpers, you’d probably think and say exactly the same thing. 

Since Biden has been inaugurated, however,  and the Democratic Party is—gasp!—the governing party, these activist journalists feel like maybe, just maybe, they should return to their professional roots and subject the Biden Administration and Congressional Democrats to a little bit of constructive criticism. In fact, the time may even have come to ask the question that no one on the Left was allowed to ask for two long years: Is Joe Biden really the best that the Democratic Party can come up with? 

Is he, more to the point, the right man to lead progressives, the United States of America, and the free world? I mean, he is an old white guy (Karem calls him “patriarchal”), which is inherently suspect. He’s also tanking in the polls, and he can barely string a sentence together at times. Makes you think, right?

If you read Karem’s article, and I hope you will, you’ll notice that he spends far more time insulting Donald Trump and Republicans than he does critically analyzing the leadership of Joe Biden. And that’s to be expected. At first, any fault-finding regarding the “savior” of “America’s soul” will be apologetic and tentative in nature. Poor Brian Karem isn’t quite sure if he’s allowed to say anything bad about Joe Biden. Not yet. He’s painfully aware and deeply afraid that he may be pilloried as an enemy of progressivism for doing so. 

He writes: “It seems almost perverse to criticize the current president for anything, compared to the batshit craziness of those on the other side of the aisle.” And yet, Karem feels that ultimately the time has come. 

He thus cites some back channel communication among Democrats and leftists about Biden’s, uh, foibles. He quotes one Dem insider saying, “We don’t know—when he shows up, are we going to get someone barely there, or someone who’s on his game?” Ouch! 

Karem goes on to write that recently he posed a question to Biden himself, and his “answer made no sense, and he took no follow-up questions. He walked away. That’s part of his problem. Many members of the press have long complained about the lack of communication from the president.” 

So Biden isn’t just erratic and incoherent—he’s also aloof and unaccountable, and the press really hates that, as you can imagine. Double ouch! 

Karem concludes that “The trick for us in the press corps is framing the narrative. While Biden deserves criticism, it isn’t on the same level as the outright outrage leveled against the former president, who remains the driving force behind an effort to overthrow our government.” 

Get that? It’s okay to criticize Joe Biden, just as long as you remind your readers, viewers, and/or listeners that Trump is still a million times worse. Interesting. 

And yet, for conservatives, this represents real progress. It represents a rediscovery by the press of its foremost obligation—to seek out and expose the truth—even if their execution of that sacred charge leaves much to be desired. It represents, for Republicans, an opportunity, even a golden opportunity, in 2022 and beyond, when, for the first time since 2019, and arguably since 2015, the mainstream media feels like it can direct some of its belligerence, scorn, and disrespect at both parties, not just one of them. Wow!

So pay close attention to articles like Brian Karem’s. They represent a sea change in the media environment, and in the framing and construction, if you will, of public opinion, that could and probably will herald major gains for Republicans in the midterm elections. They also suggest what is to come if Biden continues to lead his progressive confederates into the political wilderness—an outright rebellion against old-guard, Bidenist leadership. 

Karem talks about “whispers” against Biden on the Left. Well, every campaign of vilification starts out with soft-spoken barbs, and it usually ends with vitriolic shouts. Expect, as night follows day, that the denigration of Joe Biden will escalate steadily. And if, as most observers predict, the midterm elections turn out disastrously for Team Blue, expect calls for Biden’s ouster to become a popular refrain—and we can only guess what might be the long-term consequences for Democrats and progressives.

And, just for the record, Brian Karem started it. He may never live it down!

Maher Lights up Biden & Dems on COVID Restrictions: 'How Much Wrong Do You Get to Be?'

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Bill Maher has been on fire lately in terms of his critique of COVID restrictions and the liberal establishment.

Two weeks ago, he had on Bari Weiss, who excoriated the restrictions and how much they had hurt kids — she called it a “catastrophic moral crime.” Last week, Maher himself tore into the left and how they had “gone mental” with their crazy policies and rules.

Maher said Americans were just tired of Democratic rules — even before COVID came along.

Democrats have become a parody of themselves. Just making rules to make rules because it makes you feel like you’re a better person. Making sure that everything bad never happens again, which you can never fully do, it just makes everybody else’s life a drag….Democrats no longer possess the common sense to understand that not every problem in the world can be fixed with a regulation.

This week, he went to town on the COVID restrictions.

He noted how a growing number of countries around the world were returning to “something more like normal,” and that it was time that we did, too, starting with acknowledging that “what we’re doing to kids is unnecessary and horrible, and I don’t even like kids.”

He noted the survivability rate of kids with COVID and said that despite that, we have them “mask up like bandits.”

“Unfortunately the thing that’s getting stolen is their education, their sanity, and their social skills.”

We’re seeing more and more of the kids standing up for their own freedoms, protesting masking and other restrictions in their schools.

Maher also pointed out the meta-analysis study this past week from Johns Hopkins, which noted that “the lockdowns we all suffered through had little impact in reducing COVID deaths.” The study from the researchers concluded that lockdowns were bad public policy and caused devastating harm. Meanwhile, the liberal media has largely ignored the study. “That’s kind of a big one to get wrong,” Maher noted.

Maher pointed out how Joe Biden continued to be wrong, even saying that “you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.” “Well, I already knew that was wrong then,” he said. “And now we all do.”

Maher even went to the third rail and brought up the lab leak. “The former director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, believes COVID originated in a lab and now our intelligence agencies agree it might have. But, for months on social media, it was banned to even discuss it.”

He then tore into them, saying they’ve been wrong. “Wrong a lot. Wrong about HIV, wrong about lockdowns, wrong about kids, wrong about how you couldn’t get it if you were vaccinated. Remember washing our packages? And there’s never been research showing that outdoor transmission is likely or common. Yet, LA County says we’re still supposed to mask up for big outdoor events, like we’ll be at the Super Bowl.”

He then showed a picture of Gov. Gavin Newsom, San Francisco Mayor London Breed, and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti all without masks on at the NFC Championship Game; meanwhile, kids are saddled with them for hours a day in classrooms in California. How wrong do they have to be? How much do they have to shove their “rules for thee but not for me” in our faces?

“It’s all theater,” Maher declared. “Watching athletes mix it up on the court and then mask on the sideline. Not being able to touch a menu but watching them touch my food. Maskless at dinner while sitting, but not standing. And by the way, if Applebees really cared about our health, they would make us cover our mouths after the food arrived,” he joked.

“I’m just asking how much wrong do you get to be while still holding the default setting for people who represent – ‘the science?’”

Now, that’s right on the money. And yes, we’ve been saying these things for a long time, and others should have said them before this. But we need a flood to change things, and he’s helping increase that flood. He’s moving more people — including some liberals — toward that truth. More of this, please, from more quarters.

Photo Op Cringe: Grinning Stacey Abrams Sits Among Masked Children With No Mask

Duke reporting for RedState 

A long time ago, great philosopher Ferris Bueller once said that “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” The national media’s Georgia heroine, Stacey Abrams, is finding this out in her re-election campaign for governor. Life can move pretty fast, and if your public relations person is not careful, photos and videos of that life can make news in a blink of an eye.

Take, for example, a typical smarmy photo op with a bunch of kids, while acting as if you care about any of them. This is typical of any person of any party running for office, but it always seems a bit more contrived coming from anyone belonging to the party of abortion on demand.

Here is a tweet from our colleague Larry O’Connor of highlighting this mess.

Doesn’t she just look thrilled!?!? Why, if I didn’t know any better, I would swear that those kids look like hostages and there is good ole Stacey grinning like she actually did win her race for Governor in 2018.

According to, seems Stacey deleted this after she took some well-deserved flack.

Stacey Abrams sparked an uproar on social media after posting and later deleting a photograph that showed her sitting unmasked while surrounded by dozens of masked school children.

The picture was snapped at Glennwood School in Atlanta and shared by the Democrat’s social media accounts on Friday, February 4. It came after the gubernatorial candidate previously slammed the incumbent Gov Brian Kemp, saying he had shown “absolutely no competency” amid the Covid-19 pandemic after moving to block local mask mandates. Once a widely tipped contender for the Democrat Party’s vice-presidential nomination, Abrams rebuked Kemp for “thwarting” attempts to make masks compulsory and accused him of fiddling “while Rome burns”.

“Spending time with Glennwood’s amazing students, faculty and staff ranks as spectacular, delightful and outstanding,” Abrams wrote on Twitter, alongside the aforementioned photo that saw her seated on the floor grinning while masked students surrounded her. The photo was shared by Dr Holly Brookins, the principal of the school, as well as the Glennwood PTA. “Extraordinary way to kick off the 3rd annual African-American Read-in at Glennwood and Black History Month,” the principal wrote.

Stacey was not really a contender for being Biden’s pick for V.P., but I do now wonder if she could top the mess that Vice President Harris is doing in that job. Her obvious lack of self-awareness of her grinning mug, in front of a bunch of masked, hostage-looking kids, shows that she might at least be on par with Harris in the “no idea what I’m doing” department.

I give Abrams credit for one thing though. She lost in 2018, refused to concede the election, and somehow managed to portray herself as some sort of elections expert and made a sweet gig out of it. That she would leave her position as the preferred talking head on CNN and MSNBC about how to not say you lost an election — that you lost — is odd to me. I can’t wait for the excuses if she loses again, and the Georgia Senate seat flips back to the GOP this November.

One last thought: Larry, in his tweet above, asks what kind of “cruel monster’ would do such a thing as make children wear masks, while their pie hole stays mask-free for a photo op? We all know the mask brigades are hypocrites and the photos littered across the social media landscape of people like Stacey, showing YOU wear a mask but they do not, are plentiful.

However, people like Stacey Abrams, who once again belong to the ‘abortion at any cost’ cult, think that the lil lives in that room are just props. Whether those kids are props for running for office a 2nd or 3rd time, or claiming they care while standing in front of a neighborhood devastated from years of progressive politics. Those kids are props, and if they had been aborted and not here at all, they would have found puppies or kittens to pose with — most likely with masks on — and could have cared less.

Those are the types of monsters we are dealing with, and it is that evil mindset that needs to be pointed out and defeated.

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin Endorses Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski for Reelection

…”You are the wind beneath my wings, Joe.”

Everything we ever needed to know about Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski we saw firsthand in 2010 when she lost the primary race to Republican Joe Miller and refused to give up her seat.

Senator Murkowski lost the 2010 primary, then abandoned her party affiliation and ran on a write-in platform permitting thousands of Democrats to vote for her in a subsequent three-way general election.  Murkowski is a Democrat Party installed Republican member of the UniParty, the most obvious example of the illusion of choice in politics.

As a result, Democrat Senator Joe Manchin is not exactly doing anything out of bounds here when he endorses Democrat installed Senator Lisa Murkowski for relection.  

WATCH (12:16 Prompted):

The goal in the 2022 Alaska primary is to defeat Lisa Murkowski again, and then leverage the strength of Donald Trump and the MAGA movement to make it impossible for her to run as another write-in candidate.  Lisa Murkowski MUST BE removed.