Monday, February 7, 2022

Photo Op Cringe: Grinning Stacey Abrams Sits Among Masked Children With No Mask

Duke reporting for RedState 

A long time ago, great philosopher Ferris Bueller once said that “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” The national media’s Georgia heroine, Stacey Abrams, is finding this out in her re-election campaign for governor. Life can move pretty fast, and if your public relations person is not careful, photos and videos of that life can make news in a blink of an eye.

Take, for example, a typical smarmy photo op with a bunch of kids, while acting as if you care about any of them. This is typical of any person of any party running for office, but it always seems a bit more contrived coming from anyone belonging to the party of abortion on demand.

Here is a tweet from our colleague Larry O’Connor of highlighting this mess.

Doesn’t she just look thrilled!?!? Why, if I didn’t know any better, I would swear that those kids look like hostages and there is good ole Stacey grinning like she actually did win her race for Governor in 2018.

According to, seems Stacey deleted this after she took some well-deserved flack.

Stacey Abrams sparked an uproar on social media after posting and later deleting a photograph that showed her sitting unmasked while surrounded by dozens of masked school children.

The picture was snapped at Glennwood School in Atlanta and shared by the Democrat’s social media accounts on Friday, February 4. It came after the gubernatorial candidate previously slammed the incumbent Gov Brian Kemp, saying he had shown “absolutely no competency” amid the Covid-19 pandemic after moving to block local mask mandates. Once a widely tipped contender for the Democrat Party’s vice-presidential nomination, Abrams rebuked Kemp for “thwarting” attempts to make masks compulsory and accused him of fiddling “while Rome burns”.

“Spending time with Glennwood’s amazing students, faculty and staff ranks as spectacular, delightful and outstanding,” Abrams wrote on Twitter, alongside the aforementioned photo that saw her seated on the floor grinning while masked students surrounded her. The photo was shared by Dr Holly Brookins, the principal of the school, as well as the Glennwood PTA. “Extraordinary way to kick off the 3rd annual African-American Read-in at Glennwood and Black History Month,” the principal wrote.

Stacey was not really a contender for being Biden’s pick for V.P., but I do now wonder if she could top the mess that Vice President Harris is doing in that job. Her obvious lack of self-awareness of her grinning mug, in front of a bunch of masked, hostage-looking kids, shows that she might at least be on par with Harris in the “no idea what I’m doing” department.

I give Abrams credit for one thing though. She lost in 2018, refused to concede the election, and somehow managed to portray herself as some sort of elections expert and made a sweet gig out of it. That she would leave her position as the preferred talking head on CNN and MSNBC about how to not say you lost an election — that you lost — is odd to me. I can’t wait for the excuses if she loses again, and the Georgia Senate seat flips back to the GOP this November.

One last thought: Larry, in his tweet above, asks what kind of “cruel monster’ would do such a thing as make children wear masks, while their pie hole stays mask-free for a photo op? We all know the mask brigades are hypocrites and the photos littered across the social media landscape of people like Stacey, showing YOU wear a mask but they do not, are plentiful.

However, people like Stacey Abrams, who once again belong to the ‘abortion at any cost’ cult, think that the lil lives in that room are just props. Whether those kids are props for running for office a 2nd or 3rd time, or claiming they care while standing in front of a neighborhood devastated from years of progressive politics. Those kids are props, and if they had been aborted and not here at all, they would have found puppies or kittens to pose with — most likely with masks on — and could have cared less.

Those are the types of monsters we are dealing with, and it is that evil mindset that needs to be pointed out and defeated.