Monday, February 7, 2022

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin Endorses Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski for Reelection

…”You are the wind beneath my wings, Joe.”

Everything we ever needed to know about Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski we saw firsthand in 2010 when she lost the primary race to Republican Joe Miller and refused to give up her seat.

Senator Murkowski lost the 2010 primary, then abandoned her party affiliation and ran on a write-in platform permitting thousands of Democrats to vote for her in a subsequent three-way general election.  Murkowski is a Democrat Party installed Republican member of the UniParty, the most obvious example of the illusion of choice in politics.

As a result, Democrat Senator Joe Manchin is not exactly doing anything out of bounds here when he endorses Democrat installed Senator Lisa Murkowski for relection.  

WATCH (12:16 Prompted):

The goal in the 2022 Alaska primary is to defeat Lisa Murkowski again, and then leverage the strength of Donald Trump and the MAGA movement to make it impossible for her to run as another write-in candidate.  Lisa Murkowski MUST BE removed.