Saturday, December 3, 2022

WATCH: Trump Says U.S. Is 'Going Communist' in Message to Jan. 6 Defendants

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Former President Donald Trump expressed support and appreciation for the remaining Jan. 6 defendants in a video played during a fundraiser Thursday that was hosted by the Patriot Freedom Project, a group that assists families of those charged in the riot.

In a September interview, Trump said he was “financially supporting” some of the defendants and promised he would issue pardons and a government apology to those being prosecuted if he were re-elected. His “video of solidarity” comes days after Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes and his associate Kelly Meggs were convicted on the Civil War-era charge of seditious conspiracy for his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. Kelly Meggs, leader of the Florida Oath Keepers, was also found guilty of the same charge by the Washington, D.C., jury after three days of deliberation.

Trump said the Jan. 6 defendants have been treated unconstitutionally, which he linked to the “weaponization” of the Justice Department before suggesting the country is “going communist.”

You have been treated unconstitutionally, in my opinion, very, very unfairly. And we’re gonna get to the bottom of it, and you know what I’ve said: I take it very seriously. I have never seen anything like it, at all levels. It’s the weaponization of the Department of Justice and we can’t let this happen in our country because our country is going — not socialist; they’ve skipped over that — they skipped over socialism. Our country is going communist.

This is what happened, and we can’t let it happen. We have to stop it. So I wanna thank everybody for working so hard — I know how hard you’re working to get justice for our people that are imprisoned, right now, and people that are being tormented. We can’t let it happen, we’re going to stop it, and we’re going to win. Thank you all very much.

Despite Trump’s trademark verbosity, and this is going to shock those who are convinced that yours truly thinks The Donald is the Devil’s spawn, the former president was mostly spot-on, here — other than the country going communist, that is.

Some will disagree with my disagreement that America is “going communist,” which in my opinion is a bit hyperbolic. Certainly, the Justice Department, FBI, and IRS have been weaponized by the left, but going communist? Sorry, no.

It also bears repeating that Donald Trump’s biggest problem continues to be Donald Trump.

Trump’s unforced errors continue to pile up, including his beaten-to-death ill-fated public Mar-a-Lago dinner with Kanye West, white nationalist Nick Fuentes, and alt-right nutbag Milo Yiannopoulos, which came on the heels of the former president sneeringly calling Florida’s popular governor “Ron DeSanctimonious,” as DeSantis increasingly appears to be considering a 2024 challenge of Trump.

Thus the Republican Party’s biggest roadblock to recapturing the White House in 2024 remains the circular firing squad within the GOP, itself — not the rabid left, as Joe Biden and the Democrats continue to do their damnedest to hand the 2024 election to the Republicans on a silver platter. The unconstitutional antics of Biden and the left are on that platter.