Saturday, December 3, 2022

Twitter Documents Show Government Instructed Twitter to Remove Political Content, a Clear First Amendment Violation

Twitter CEO Elon Musk selected Matt Taibbi, one of the rare independent voices in media, as the vessel to review and share a litany of internal documents from within the social media platform showing details of how the federal government and DNC officials gave instructions to Twitter personnel to remove content.

Matt Taibbi released a stream of Twitter Communication showing the documents and details – SEE HERE

Elon Musk followed up the current release with a statement saying, “Twitter acting by itself to suppress free speech is not a 1st amendment violation, but acting under orders from the government to suppress free speech, with no judicial review, is.”


Journalist Matt Taibbi signs off on this release with the following notation, “There is much more to come, including answers to questions about issues like shadow-banning, boosting, follower counts, the fate of various individual accounts, and more. These issues are not limited to the political right.”

Read Documents Here