Friday, August 12, 2022

Pfizer Takes Deliberate Moves To Make Billions Off Curing People From The Effects Of The Vaccine

 op by Sunlit7

I wasn't really expecting anything more than to soothe my curiosity when I clicked on an article about Pfizer buying a company called Global Therapeutics. My initial reaction was what sort of therapies are they going to be planning for us next. By the time I got done reading the article I was more intrigued about the list of companies that Pfizer has bought recently. I really found that rather odd despite being flush with money from the vaccines. One wouldn't find it particularly odd that they invested in a company, maybe two, but five of them was quite interesting. I never imagined it would lead me to connect every one of those companies to the ailments published on the vaccines.

I did an initial deep dive into them but have been really distracted lately to the point that about all I could get done was jot down some notes. A few days later instead of doing what I should have been doing looking into the matter some more I go about my usual blogging routine. That jolted me right back into my initial deep dive.

I had clicked on an article posted with a video in it of Dr. Richard Fleming. It wasn't until about forty five minutes into it I knew that I had hit on something. Here's the part that caused me to sit up straight so to speak.

What happens when the vaccine gets into the blood. Pfizer, Moderna, Jassen, all three, all three of the vaccines when added to the blood makes the red color go away which means the hemoglobin is no longer able to carry oxygen. That could be due to a couple of things, there's no oxygen to carry, well, it's open to the atmosphere so there's plenty of oxygen so it means the hemoglobin molecule has been damaged or the membrane of the red blood cell has been damaged but sickle cell anemia is a altercate (or alternate, it was hard to determine what he said) damaged blood cell but it has no difficulty being a red blood cell. So something happen to the hemoglobin or the molecule, it doesn't reverse. We watched the blood for many, many minutes and it doesn't reverse. The other thing we saw is that the blood begins to clump together and it's not a matter of time because we watched regular blood of these same individuals who with normal saline in it didn't clot so it's not a time phenomena. It was not because they were drawn up in tubes that had solutions in that affected the red blood cells because this blood was drawn directly from the patients. It wasn't put in any tubes with any materials in it that could interfere with it so this is a phenomena of the vaccines get added, or the vaccines touch the red blood cells, the red blood cells turn pale, their no longer red. The important thing is oxygen carrying (word inaudible) but the fact that same hemoglobin that pick up oxygen from your lungs and takes it to your body when it's in your body takes the carbon dioxide, the waste product out, the acid and then takes it back to your lungs, well the hemoglobin he's been damaged so it can't carry oxygen, that same damage exist so it's unlikely it's even going to be able to carry the carbon dioxide out, carrying the oxygen is a big deal for the red blood cell.

None of these red blood cells can carrying oxygen to your body. (as shown from a slide presentation given during the discussion) The real question is how much of that is going on in any individual and no amount of vaccine or any of these vaccines should have damaging effect on red blood cells. Again, this is a tissue level thing, this is early onset thing. This is animal studies if you are going to be looking at doing something, giving a drug to a patience, you need to know that the drug will work and you need to know what consequences there may be. 

The video was rather interesting long before the mention of sickle cell anemia (about forty one minutes in) he goes on about a list of diseases associated with the vaccines. But the sickle cell brought me back to the jotted down note on Global Therapeutics. It was a bingo for me because the interest drawn from that first click onto Global Therapeutics sites that led to clicks to the other companies sites was the fact that sickle cell disease effects about one hundred thousand people a year in the US. So they were buying a company that affects a rather low amount of individuals. That to me was rather odd up until Dr Fleming mentioned it. It was a rather canary in the coal mine moment. Pfizer obviously knows, not just in this one particular purchase but in many, that their vaccines are causing sickle cell like disease's in people. That's their true intent upon the purchase of a company that affect a small portion of the population. 

They are either planning on finding a cure for what they ailed people with or find out exactly what went wrong in that respect. Like Fleming mentioned exactly how many people are being affected in this manner. It gets worse, it gets way, way worse.

In the video Fleming mentions that vaccines don't have to look for ACE 2 receptors, they simple merge with the nucleus of the cell. That would be there reason for the purchase of ReViral Ltd. ReViral researches ways to inhibit RSV, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, inhibitors that block fusion of RSV virus to host cell. ReViral is engaged in the discovery, development and commercialization of antivirals.

The purchase of Trillium Therapeutics was a no brainer since we've all been schooled thanks to Dr Ryan Cole on the vaccines blocking proteins that hold cancers in check. These are what is known as undiagnosed cancers that people die with not of. They are often spots found that unless they grow doctors leave them alone. Once the proteins holding them at bay are blocked the cancers start to grown. Trillium Therapeutics deal with immuno-oncology, blood cancer therapies.

Two other purchases were Bio Haven and Arena Pharmaceuticals. Bio Haven deals with brain diseases that are often chronic, incurable and represent an enormous burden to patients, families and society according to their website. Arena deals with stomach and intestines, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Why I listed these two together is because of a video I ran across that explains what Cardiac TTR Amyloidosis is that Fleming talks about in his video. In this video you see listed the effects it has upon the body and will show you very clearly exactly what those white vein like spongy things many have seen in videos being pulled out of veins by doctors and pathologist of deceased individuals.

Transthyretin (TTR) Life Cycle from BridgeBio on Vimeo.

Fleming is very specific about the inserts found in the spike protein, how these inserts will have a profound effect on the brain, heart and be the cause of many inflammatory issues for millions of people across the globe. Mad cow disease, Alzheimer's and as explained in the video above Amyloidosis. This, in my opinion, is why Pfizer in the article announcing the purchase of so many companies has decided to diversify their holdings.

"We have very deliberately taken a strategy of diversification in our M&A deals," Aamir Malik, Pfizer's top dealmaker, said in an interview. He said the company was focused on improving growth for the second half of the decade, rather than large deals that generate value through cost cuts.

As you can see he said it's being done deliberately. That's because they know exactly what they have done to people across the globe and where the money will be in the coming decade. It, as the article states, won't be from the vaccines because people will become the wiser.

Pfizer's 2021 revenue of $81.3 billion was nearly double the mark from the previous year, due to COVID-19 vaccine sales. With the addition of its COVID-19 antiviral pill Paxlovid, Pfizer is expected to generate around $100 billion in revenue this year, but sales from both products are expected to decline going forward.

"We think that there are opportunities across all therapeutic areas that we're active in," Malik said, noting the company was agnostic about size for future deals. 

If that isn't he understatement of the year I don't know what is. You deliberately make people sick from a product so that you can try and cure them of the damages done. They actually take part of the humongous profits they made making people sick to purchase the companies that may yield the answers to cure them. It doesn't really get anymore cavalier than that. Again, like Fleming stated, is finding out how much does it take of the vaccines to develop the symptoms in some individuals. Some will die just from the initial inflammatory response of billions of spike proteins being produced in the body while other healthier individuals it may take some time before the body can't handle the continue inflammatory response of continued release of the spike proteins into every cell of the body. One of the first things he suggest if you start to feel ill is take the information from his website to your doctor and share it with them in hopes they can better understand what you are dealing with. His website is You can also sign a petition their for crimes against humanity.