Friday, August 12, 2022

DOJ Files Motion to Unseal FBI Trump Raid Search Warrant and Property Seizure Receipt

Wednesday, President Trump requested from the court that the (1) DOJ affidavit underlying the probable cause as well as the (2) search warrant and (3) property seizure report be made public following the FBI raid on his home in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Yesterday, Attorney General Merrick Garland stated publicly the DOJ has filed a court motion to unseal the search warrant and the property seizure report; however, they would not release the probable cause affidavit.  Here is the DOJ court filing [DOCUMENT LINK]


Notice the DOJ filing is from the DOJ-National Security Division (DOJ-NSD).

The DOJ-NSD, was created by AG Eric Holder as the epicenter of DOJ political activity.  The DOJ-NSD held no inspector general oversight; it is a subsidiary targeting mechanism within the DOJ that originates issues related to the FISA court and other issues of “national security”, which allows Main Justice to have a star chamber of secret operations away from oversight or public scrutiny.

The original Trump-Russia targeting was triggered from within the DOJ-NSD.  The Carter Page FISA warrant, and all subsequent activity connected to the FISA court, come from the DOJ-NSD.

It is the combination of the DOJ-NSD and FBI Counterintelligence Unit, where we find every person and operation connected to the political targeting operations of Main Justice.  Domestic political targeting is done within this subsidiary branch of the justice dept.