Monday, May 23, 2022

Washington State Gas Stations Run Out of Gas, Add a Digit to Charge $10 Per Gallon


Article by Kevin Downey, Jr. in PJMedia


Washington State Gas Stations Run Out of Gas, Add a Digit to Charge $10 Per Gallon

Soon we’ll be lookin’ back on the “good ol’ days” when gas was $8.99 a gallon and you could actually find it.

Here is another one for the “you get what you vote for” files.

Washington state is running out of gas. Drivers are pulling up to pumps just to find notes that read: “Out of gas. Diesel only.”

What they are also finding is another digit added to the price counter–meaning, they are preparing for $10 gas.

FACT-O-RAMA! Contemporary gas pumps were set to go to $9.99.99 per gallon. Not anymore. No they’ve added another digit and $10 gas is on the way. Welcome to Biden’s America (or whoever is pulling those puppet strings).

A spokesperson for 76 gas stations confirmed the change to the pumps to The Post Millennial but added that some of these stations also sell racing fuel. Pssst, not on the same pumps.

Don’t buy the “Putin price hike” codswallop the Biden admin is pushing. Gas prices started going up the day Biden “won” the 2020 election. He immediately killed off two pipelines after taking office and then proceeded to assassinate oil drilling leases, the most recent of which were this month.


RELATED: Think ‘Bidenflation’ Won’t Push Gasoline Prices Over $10? Think Again

Local Washingtonians in the tri-city region of Pasco, Kennewick, and West Richland, where some of the pumps are dry, have taken to Facebook to tell their neighbors where to find some “go juice.”

FACT-O-RAMA! In the 1970, truckers on CB radios referred to fuel as “gojuiice” and “motion lotion.”

Gas on Long Island, where it isn’t cheap to begin with, was $2.19 on election day in 2020, $2.29 the day Biden took office, and is  $4.89 today.

The state with the spendiest gas is California (duh), where people are paying at least $6 per gallon. Gas gurus suggest that we could all be paying that price nationwide by August if Americans decide to go on summer vacations.

What if we don’t? The price of everything–hotels, food, etc.–is through the roof. It’s cheaper to stay home and BBQ.

Who will suffer the most if Americans decide on “staycations”? Businesses that rely on tourism, that’s who. And that is yet another nail in the economic coffin built by Joe Biden and the Democrats. 

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