Monday, May 23, 2022

Apparently, While Investigating Trump-Russia, Mueller and Weissmann Never Interviewed Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook

One of the public revelations created by the trial of Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann is that Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Hillary Clinton’s lawyers, and Hillary Clinton’s contracted opposition research firm, Fusion GPS, manufactured the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.  How did Robert Muller not find this?

The Clinton hoax is the key takeaway within the testimony of Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, during the Sussman trial.  Of course, every intellectually honest person who watched events unfold already knew that.  However, the DC politicians, institutions of the DOJ and FBI, and the entire corporate media world have been pretending not to know the truth for almost six years.  Now they are in a pretending pickle.

Mr. Mook was legally forced to put the truth into the official record, ironically because the Clinton lawyers needed him to in order to save themselves.  A stunned Jonathan Turley writes about the revelation HERE.  Meanwhile the journalists who received Pulitzer Prizes, for pushing the manufactured Clinton lies that Mook now admits, must avoid any mention of the testimony in order to maintain their ‘pretending not to know things‘ position.

Special Prosecutor John Durham found the truth behind the creation of the Trump-Russia hoax, and through the trial of Sussmann is now diligently passing out the bitter pill ‘I toldyaso’s’ to the small group of rebellious researchers who found this exact trail of evidence years ago.

The Clinton campaign lying is politics.  The Clinton campaign selling lies to the media is slimy, but nonetheless politics.  The media pushing those lies only showcases how corrupt they are in supporting their political allies.  However, the Clinton campaign selling those lies to the FBI is a bit more problematic; thus, the trial of Sussmann.

Having said all that; while also accepting this grand game of pretense; there’s an 800lb gorilla in the room that no one seems bothered by.

How did Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann spend 2 years investigating Trump-Russia; with a team of 19 lawyers, $40 million in resources, 40 FBI agents, 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants and 500 witnesses; and not find out that Hillary Clinton created the hoax they were investigating?




The question is, of course, infuriatingly rhetorical.  The 2017, 2018 and 2019 special counsel probe, led by the nameplate of Robert Mueller, was a DC cover-up operation for FBI and DOJ misconduct.  The best defense is a good offense, so they attacked President Trump by maintaining the hoax.

Media people often forget, or perhaps -again- need to pretend not to know; however, the exact same group of FBI and DOJ staff level investigative officials that originated the Trump investigation in 2016, transferred into the Robert Mueller investigation in May 2017.   It was the same people, doing the same investigation, under a different title.

The Mueller team originally consisted of the same FBI officials who received the Alfa-Bank hoax material from Michael Sussmann.

Andrew Weissmann and a group of 19 lawyers joined the effort and pulled in more resources. Yet if we are to believe the current narrative, you would have to believe those same investigators never talked to any Clinton campaign people, or Fusion GPS, or Rodney Joffe, or Marc Elias, or Michael Sussmann?… but wait, I mean, they did.. talk to Sussmann… because….. that’s what this trial is about….


FLASHBACK, Representative Steve Chalbot Questions Robert Mueller About Origin of Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax

In the wake of Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook’s recent court admissions, many people are new to the awakening that Hillary Clinton’s team fabricated the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.   However, for five years CTH has focused beyond the obvious Clinton construct and asked why the Robert Mueller special counsel probe never discovered the origin?

Many people have fallen back on the Mueller justification as saying, “it wasn’t in my purview.”  However, that obfuscation falls flat once you realize the same 2016 FBI officials who were involved with Michael Sussmann, Rodney Joffe and Fusion GPS, transferred into the Mueller investigation in 2017. {GO DEEP}

Robert Mueller was appointed to look into the Trump-Russia collusion accusations.  How could the fact that Team Clinton created the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, not be part of the investigative purview?   This question is specifically underlined by the fact, the same FBI officials who knew the Alfa-Bank material came from Clinton, were the same FBI officials on Robert Mueller’s team.   Now WATCH:

Here is the originating special counsel SCOPE MEMO:

The scope memo was signed May 17, 2017, by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Two days later, May 19, 2017, FBI Agent Peter Strzok tells Lisa Page (DAG McCabe legal counsel) there is “no big there there.”

Peter Strzok would know because he had been investigating the Trump-Russia collusion hoax since early 2016.  The Crossfire Hurricane investigation was triggered July 31, 2016, and by the time Michael Sussmann was selling the Alfa-Bank hoax the FBI was aware all of the material was coming from political opposition research and Fusion GPS.

When Peter Strzok transferred into the Mueller investigation in May 2017, why didn’t Strzok tell Mr. Mueller and Andrew Weissmann there was “no there there,” and the material came from the Clinton campaign operatives?

When you realize the same FBI investigators flowed through 2016 into the Mueller team in 2017, the questions are obvious.  How could the origin of Trump-Russia hoax not be in the purview of the Special Counsel?

Two years later, April 2019, Mueller and Weissman send their report to AG Bill Barr

The FBI investigators knew there was nothing to the allegations back in 2016 and 2017.

The FBI investigators knew the Hillary Clinton campaign constructed the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.  Which is now admitted by Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook.

So why was Robert Mueller ever appointed?

For five years I have researched this aspect and asserted the same position; I repeat it here.

The Clinton campaign activity creating the hoax was bad.   The FBI activity in using the Clinton material they knew to be a hoax was worse.  However, both issues pale in comparison to what the Robert Mueller special counsel team did in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Start digging into the Robert Mueller special counsel activity, to include what they did to interfere in the criminal investigation of Senate Intelligence Committee Security Director James Wolfe, and the Trump-Russia collusion hoax will look like a pebble compared to the mountain of corrupt activity by the Weissman crew.

Never has a catchphrase been more apropos:

….It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up that makes the scale of the crime seem small.