Monday, May 9, 2022

NBC Presents the 2022 Political Abortion Question that CNN Already Answered

The recently demoted Chuck Todd, who’s daytime show is now only on stream, ponders the great curiosity for his sheltered audience about whether abortion will swing the 2022 election in favor of the communist, left-wing, collective agenda.

Chuck Todd doesn’t have any actual data to frame his fairy tales, but fortunately CNN did a poll a few days ago of the exact questions puzzling NBC.

CNN did an extensive poll on this question of young people voting – [pdf here]

CTH pulled all the poll data into one easier to read infographic of the responses by age (below).  The 18-to-34-year group are not single-issue voters.

31% of that age group say a candidate MUST agree with them on abortion, while 69% say abortion is only one of several factors or not much of a factor.

The 18–34-year group is also reasonably pragmatic. If Roe v Wade overturned, 21% say abortions likely to be banned where they live; 31% say likely harder but not banned; 26% say it wouldn’t make a difference; and 22% not sure what would happen where they live.

{pdf Data Available Here}

Abortion is just not the winning issue Democrats had hoped it was…