Monday, May 9, 2022

Buck Sexton: Democrats and The Media Are The Party Of The Mob

 Buck Sexton: 

Democrats and The Media Are The Party Of The Mob
Buck Sexton argued on Tucker Carlson's show on Friday that the left is the party of the riot as they are the ones that freak out.

SEXTON: Well, on this case, I think that there is some degree of political insurance that they're trying to put forward here by making it seem like well, if things do get really ugly, and Tucker I think they probably will, I mean, hopefully that won't happen, but with riots and protests, they'll make it seem like, well, there are provocateurs on both sides of this.

Because I do think that people have started to figure out more and more as the miracle of the unifying Biden presidency and the adults in charge hasn't been really taken the way that they promised that the Democrats the left they are the riot party this is what they do, they are the mob, they're the ones that freak out when they don't get their way, throw childish tantrums. They don't petition the Court, they threatened you or try to burn down the Court.

We all see it. And so by trying to muddy the waters, they make themselves feel better about some of the hysteria that you've already shown. And God forbid something really bad does happen. They'll say, well, it was because of rising temperatures across the board...

The lack of willingness. I mean, this was honestly a little stunning. I watch those press conferences a lot with Jen Psaki. I watch what they say in this White House. The fact that they wouldn't take one moment to establish the most basic principle that our Supreme Court Justices, our Supreme Court, their safety is inviolate and we had that as nonpartisan.

This, oh, tensions are really high. Don't say something like that when tensions are rising on the left and among Democrats, but Jen Psaki doesn't want to upset the Democratic base who are enraged and who are effectively melting down before our very eyes, and so she won't say what's so obvious, so clear, which is if you have any principles about sacred democracy and our institutions, you lay off the Supreme Court. You don't actually threaten people, you don't put up their addresses.

But they are the Polit -- they are the party of the mob and I don't think they're going to be able to turn that off anytime soon. So, there's real reason for concern, unfortunately.