Saturday, April 2, 2022

Returning to the Arena, Sarah Palin Announces She Is Running for Congress

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has announced she is returning to the arena and will run for Alaska’s at large congressional district.  Her Twitter announcement reads:

“Today I’m announcing my candidacy for the U.S. House seat representing Alaska. Public service is a calling, and I would be honored to represent the men and women of Alaska in Congress, just as Rep. Young did for 49 years.”  ~ Sarah Palin (LINK)

Visit Sarah For Alaska HERE

Sarah Palin enters a crowded field of nearly 40 candidates to fill the seat held by Don Young, who died last month.  Alaska’s special election’s primary is scheduled for June 11th. The top four candidates will advance to the general election on Aug. 16th.


Sarah Palin represents one the rare few candidates in modern political history that does not come from the system of multinational corporate control stables.  This is good news.  MAGA 2022 Alaska.

Many people inside the modern MAGA movement may not remember how effective Sarah Palin was in 2010, specifically in the primary races against establishment republican candidates.  It was also Sarah Palin who helped launch the successful political careers of Nikki Haley (SC), Rand Paul (KY), Marco Rubio (FL), Rick Perry (TX), and many more.

The republican party poured money into Texas to support GOPe Kay Bailey Hutchinson against Rick Perry.  Sarah Palin stepped into Texas and singlehandedly turned that race by strongly supporting Rick Perry against the GOPe machine.

Unfortunately, many of the politicians who would not exist without Palin, later turned against her and the Tea Party in order to embrace the corporate donor class.  South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley was/is the most famous turncoat.  Haley was about to lose in the Palmetto state contest until Palin arrived and took down the vicious media machine that was attacking.

It is good to see her back in the arena.

An endorsement by President Trump is a foregone conclusion.


STEP ONE – Win election in November 2022

STEP TWO – Speaker Sarah Palin in January 2023