Saturday, April 2, 2022

Jen Psaki Negotiated New MSNBC Job While Working in Administration, Will Depart in May

Several news outlets are now reporting that White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has made a tentative deal with MSNBC to begin working as a media pundit in May {Go Deep}.  Not coincidentally, her departure is timed to take place when the administration open border policy is triggered to begin.

Ms. Psaki remains current Biden spokesperson until departure and negotiated the new gig while serving as press secretary.  Little Red Lyin’ Hood was confronted with questions about the transparently obvious conflict of interest contained in the timing of her contract negotiations with media:

…””Well, I have always gone over and above the stringent ethical and legal requirements of the Biden administration,” she responded. “I take that very seriously. As is standard for every employee of the White House, I have received rigorous ethics counseling, including as it relates to any future employment.”