Saturday, April 2, 2022

Happy 77th birthday to Linda and sweet little Hetty!


77 years ago today, a small yet very determined woman who would 1 day become one of the greatest actresses of all time, (and would 1 day change my life 😉), was born.

Her incredible career spans several movies, several guest roles on TV, and as you all know, 1 legendary Series Regular role that spans 13 years on 1 single show!

At first, I didn't even know who she was, until 2014 when my mom started watching NCIS LA, then I saw Hetty at her best...

I never thought 1 cop show could impact my life so much, or 1 single woman for that matter. But life is funny that way.

The last few Seasons have been well, terrible as you can imagine. I don't get why this incredible show would just want to push Hetty aside the way it has. Or decrease the writing so badly, it starts looking like someone is out to divide Hetty and the man she openly admitted a few years ago is the closest to a son she's ever had...

But that's a rant for another day. :) Happy birthday Linda! 🎉🎉 May that terrible showrunner finally decide to give Hetty the respect and justice she so rightfully deserves, and may Hetty finally reunite with her team AND have this whole smear campaign sorted out! 🎂🎈✨✨ (and may Season 14 give us a lot of great Hetty content!)

#TeamHettyForever , #HettyDeservesBetter , #BringHettyHome , #HettyLovesCallen