Wednesday, March 30, 2022

NCIS LA: Hetty is the hero of this show, and here's why


By now, you've probably heard me ranting off about how much I hated NCIS LA's latest episodes. Here's why: They're trying to make Hetty look like some kind of monster who only saw Callen as some kind of future killer instead of a human being who needed a home and someone to love him. Why? Because the loser writers have forgotten what this show is really about, and what Hetty and Callen's bond is really about. And the sad part? Some actually believe that crap. Like they're just completely ignoring over 200 episodes that prove Hetty is not the so called 'monster' that was shown in Sunday's episodes.

Well, here is an article that clears Hetty's name of all that BS. Since the show clearly won't be doing that any time soon, time for 1 very smart fan who has actually paid attention to what she has done throughout the show's run to do the hard work. Enjoy!

At the show's start, Hetty was seen as humorous, a bit odd, tough, caring, wise, and also a bit mysterious with some of her tales of her past. Then her bond with Callen started coming into play, and after bravely risking her life to try to protect Callen at the end of Season 2, her connection with his mom was revealed. Why didn't she just tell him when the show began? Because she was trying to protect him from danger. She didn't keep the truth about his mom from him because she wanted to brainwash him, she just didn't want to risk the consequences of what might have happened if she told him the whole truth years before.

After that, it was apparent smooth sailing from there. She shared drinks with the agents, humored with them, lectured them when they messed up, gave them advice, as you know, stuff that good people do when they care about them.

And then came Season 5 and the stuff that happened that STILL has some hard core Densi fans blaming her for (!!!).

Long story short: There was a IRL baby bump to deal with, and the solution was to send Kensi overseas for a while. And it ended in a rescue mission.

Why blame Hetty for the mission? Because those idiots only saw her as a relationship councelor instead of a boss whose job was to send the agents into dangerous situations. How the mission turned out wasn't Hetty's fault, Kensi did something that caused herself to be captured. Also, Hetty was just trying to save a good man who was being hunted simply because he knew too much!

And that wasn't all: The same idiots were convinced that she didn't want Deeks to come back to the team if he wasn't the same man that he was before Season 4 ended.

She didn't say that she wanted him gone, she said that because the job that her agents do every day requires the body AND mind to be in complete control, and she couldn't have someone who wasn't 100% ready to be back running about in the field, because that would've been a completely reckless move that would've definitely had gotten him killed. She was looking out for him, not hoping for him to retire. Tough love is tough, but sometimes it has to be used.

Apparently, seeing someone actually being a responsible boss is a huge crime that can't be forgotten about, because some of those hard core fans that are still around? They still haven't forgiven her for it!! Why? She never wanted to break up Densi, she was just doing her job, just like every single one of her agents do every day. If that makes her a bad guy, then every single one of them are bad guys!

Season 5's events led to single handily the best 3 parter this show has ever done in Season 6, so that was a big win! (plus, it convinced me to keep being interested in this show all the way back in 2014)

After that, the same complainers refused to see Hetty as anything but 'only caring about herself', when she was doing anything but! After Season 5, she:

-Told off a bunch of joke politicians and pulled off a great escape to get back home to save her team from an old foe

-Gave her agents advice to get through the day

-Stayed by her partner's side when he wound up in the hospital

-Shared drinks with her agents from time to time

-Assisted her agents in a big undercover mission overseas

-Directed a photoshoot (then a very iconic pic of her doing the James Bond pose ended up in the photos!)

And so much more! Definitely the actions of someone who only cares about herself and doesn't want to see 2 of her agents fall in love, right?? 😂

She didn't change after Season 5, she remained the same funny, brave, scary, loving boss that she was all the way back in Season 1. Anyone who can't look past Season 5, is a total idiot! 


Seasons 6-8 honestly delivered some of the greatest Hetty content this show has done since Seasons 1-3. In those Seasons, Hetty was frequently sparring with her partner (and possibly falling in love with him), advising her agents, being the boss they needed, and even doing awesome stuff like telling off stupid people when they do stupid things, and even pretend to doze off to avoid answering smear questions from a rude politician! (Season 8's The Queen's Gambit is a must watch episode, so much iconic moments there!).

She even bravely risked everything to find the team's pesky mole. (Season 8 is chock full of badass Hetty moments!!). All of that isn't the actions of a heartless being, they are the actions of a tough yet loving Mama Bear who is looking out for her cubs!


In Season 9, Hetty boldly risked her life to save someone who she thought had died years ago, and almost paid with her life. Yet through it all, she still remained the sassy, badass queen that she is, all the way up to when her team saved her.

After that, she boldly stood up to her awful new partner more then once. And then went off to Mexico to bring her agents home after their mission went south. We couldn't actually see her in the Season 10 premiere, only her voice was included, but it was more then enough for me to see a good boss who loved her team still and wanted to bring them home at all costs. If Linda was well enough to have been in more scenes, I'm sure we would've seen her with Callen at the end.


As I've mentioned too many times before, this is where Hetty content gets unfairly too few and far between. But the small moments that were given, were still 100% awesome stuff:

-Literally crashing her agents wedding to save it, and actually be the minister

-Hug things out with her techies

-Still give out great quotes and sage wisdom

-Still boldly putting her life at risk to protect her team

NONE of the above says that she 'only cares about herself'! If there's anyone to look at to blame for the unfair lack of content (and explanations), it's the showrunner, the writers, and frankly, the network itself.


Season 11 had Hetty be mysteriously be depressed, no explanation. Then Season 12 sent her to Syria for the whole Season, no mission updates over Skype, just 3 episodes of her talking to her agents, and 2 of which included the area she was in getting bombed. (Eeek!), and that's where she still is today in Season 13, only this time, there's literally no video updates, just an imposter show that's basically trying to forget all about her and make it look like she'll never come back. 🤬😡

And here is the big kicker: This Season is trying to smear her by planting a lot of BS junk that she supposidly only saw Callen as her future killer instead of a human being who needed a family. (and she's not even around at the moment to defend herself!)

Here is the truth about when they met: He ran away from home at 15, became a criminal, was about to go to jail when Hetty showed up like a literal angel in hot leather and saved him. This was revealed in Season 6. You don't just suddenly forget that and think you remember when you first met someone like that differently years later!

Episodes 3 and 4 reveal why Hetty knew his mom, and that he chose the life that he had lived up to then. Hetty never forced him, or brainwashed him into being a spy, she only helped him out when he needed help.

Hetty has never been the bad guy of the show, she's always been the good guy. And there are 200 plus episodes of this show that prove it! Those can't be deleted in 1 single badly written Season that is clearly someone's drug induced nightmare! It's impossible, and real fans know that.


In conclusion, if Hetty really was the bad guy of this show, she'd be acting like that fool admiral who is invading her office, and maybe worse.

She's always loved her team, and would risk her life for them any day. And she never brainwashed Callen, you don't openly admit in a 2 hour Season finale that he's closest to a son she's ever had if it wasn't true.

And also, if she really was so evil, would she love being hugged like this?

If Season 13 doesn't end with Callen giving a huge apology to Hetty, and Hetty herself coming home, then the show's writers are truly fools, and anyone who buys their further lies about Hetty are fools themselves. 200 plus episodes don't lie about her kindness!

Hetty will always be the hero of this show, terrible nonsense writing be damned!