Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Chris Rock Smooths Things Over With Will Smith By Sleeping With His Wife

LOS ANGELES, CA—In a show of penitence for the insensitive joke told during the Oscars, Chris Rock offered to smooth things over with Will Smith by sleeping with his wife.

“My client feels incredible remorse for the violently inconsiderate jab aimed at Jada Pinkett Smith’s debilitating medical condition,” said Rock’s publicist, “As such, Chris generously proposes making amends by making love.”

Friends of the Smiths expressed surprise that Will’s initial reaction was to reject the comedian’s coital olive branch, knowing the cuckold really had no say in the matter. However, after learning he was at risk of losing his precious Oscar award, Smith expressed full support for the peace offering, again mistakenly assuming his decision would in any way influence his wife’s escapades.

Jada Pinkett Smith expressed overwhelming support for the comedian’s generous offer to reconcile and make things right and promised to pen him into her busy schedule of sleeping with other men.