Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Trudeau Surfaces, Tells Parliament the Recent Election Proves His COVID Policies Are Loved by Canadians

Trudeau Says the Recent Election Results Prove His COVID Policies Are Loved by the Canadian People, and Ottawa Protestors Are “Not Who We Are”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reappeared in Parliament this evening.  The timing was transparently predictable when contrast against the urgency, and state of emergency the local government declared Sunday to get rid of the freedom protestors.

Exactly on cue, Trudeau appears to clutch his pearls, tell the people of Canada that he understands the “frustration” of the few but appreciates the “overwhelming majority” of Candian citizens who love him and support his COVID policies, despite their being “tired of the pandemic.”  Those who followed the rules and worshipped at the altar of his magnanimous COVID leadership are “the real Canadian voices” Trudeau declared.

Trudeau continued by saying the Canadians who “stepped up, to support one another” express the true meaning of being Canadian.  The protest group are a hate-riddled minority of unclean “swastika” waving outsiders, walking around Ottawa “insulting and jeering” local residents “for wearing a mask.”

Trudeau told the chamber, the protest group “is not the story of this pandemic.”   He accused the protest group of “attempting to block the economy” without regard for their collective responsibility to “support their fellow Canadians.”  WATCH:

CANADA – […] “The protesters in Ottawa are “trying to blockade our economy, our democracy and our fellow citizens’ daily lives. It has to stop,” Trudeau said Monday night in the House of Commons.  “The people of Ottawa don’t deserve to be harassed in their own neighbourhoods.” (read more)