Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Ottawa Police Go Full Australia on 80-Year-Old Horn Honker

The Police Beatings Will Continue Until Canadian Compliance Improves

A disturbing video [Full Video Link] shows a seriously unstable set of Ottawa police officers targeting and arresting an 80-year-old man for the crime of blowing his car horn (I think).

A shorter version of this video is going viral on social media as the Ottawa police department begins “enhanced enforcement techniques,” at the request of municipal and provincial government officials.  There’s some salty language here as the Canadian police begin to go full Australia with the arrests in/around the Freedom Protest groups.

The elderly man, albeit a little salty with the officers, was identified by police as a non-compliant threat to their authority.  He is then roughly manhandled, put on the ground and eventually handcuffed and taken away.  His current status is unknown. WATCH (Prompted)