Saturday, February 5, 2022

Dead Three Days After Vaccines: "13-year-old boy's death found to have no link to COVID-19 vaccine"

 Jacob Clynick was found dead in his bed in June 2021, just three days after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

Thirteen year old healthy kids don't normally go to bed and die in their sleep but that's what the CDC and the Michigan Institute of Forensic Science and Medicine would have you believe in this case of a teen who died just three days after getting his second shot. The first misleading thing in the article is the statement that after months of investigation. It only took months not because they were being overly through but because of the backlog cases listed on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. (VAERS)

After months of investigation by health agencies and law enforcement, no link has been found between the death of 13-year-old Jacob Clynick and Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. 


The investigation took months and included an examination into Clynick's and his family's past and recent medical histories as well as a complete forensic and medical autopsy.

The second lie in the article was health officials encouraging everyone get vaccinated to stop the spread of the virus.

Health leaders continue to encourage Michiganders to receive the COVID-19 vaccine to stop the spread of the virus.

The third lie in the article was there was found no correlation between the vaccine and his death. That can be calculated based on lie number two, if at this point they are still lying about the vaccine stopping the spread they'd lie to you that they found no link to dying shortly after getting the vaccine and his death.

ABC12 News reported Friday that a probe into the boy's death "concluded that there was no evidence of a causal relationship between vaccine administration and Clynick's death."

About the only know truths about his death is that he got a vaccine and died shortly thereafter and what his grandfather had to say about it.

Don Clynick, who is Jacob's grandfather, said he remains firmly convinced that the Pfizer vaccine is what triggered his grandson's death 

You can trust the Michigan Institute of Forensic Science and Medicine about as much as you can trust the CDC. They just so happen to pop up as a private entity receiving federal funding during the timeframe that the government issued grants to health departments instead of line item budgeted protocols so they could switch gears from the focus on epidemics related matters such as heart disease, diabetes, opioid addiction, etc., to genetics, genome, infomatics and mRNA technology.

With the timing of this teen's death close to the roll out of these one shoe fits all vaccines to children you can believe that the benefit outweighed the risk, that benefit would include lying to you.


Links to information in the article can be found linked within the article on my blog at:

or by following the links below:

wzzm13.  com/article/news/health/coronavirus/no-link-found-death-of-13-year-old-saginaw-county-boy-covid-19-vaccine/69-903b8d33-4183-458e-9548-458fe1c12c4b

.abc12 .com/coronavirus/probe-shows-no-link-between-covid-19-vaccine-and-death-of-13-year-old-saginaw/article_d20e2248-853c-11ec-a796-fff441e21fb4.html