Saturday, February 5, 2022

Covid, Deaths And The Economic Factor

 Op by Sunlit7

I was watching television the other night and a new Pfizer commercial  came on. It sort of clicked with me that we may be missing the mark on what's taking place around us. When they say we are possibly coming out of the epidemic stage and into endemic stages of the pandemic recently it has dawned on me that they aren't talking about the virus. What they are talking about is the epidemic of heart disease, cancers, diabetes or a whole host of other epidemic health conditions.

I base this on a host of different things I've focused on recently. One of them I am will be detailing a bit further out in another post about the 2017 sift across the country to focus on the hiring of epidemiologist whose field of specialty is genetics, genome, informatics, mRNA technologies in health departments. It appeared in my opinion that these fields were a bit premature for a nationwide outreach to ensure there was sufficient specialists in those field considering the infancy in the whole genome field. Why would the federal government fund epidemiologist and make request to retrain current epidemiologist geared towards those fields when the whole question of genetics as related to the genome sequencing wasn't far enough advance to make such a call. At the time there was a huge outcry from specialist who said such a move would defund vital research and control of the epidemic's of heart disease, diabetes, cancers, opioid abuse, etc. across the country. Because I keep digging to try and find some answers I ran across this article that had phrases in it that critiqued my interest in that regard. It wasn't just the emphasis that he put on it once but twice that compelled me to add it to the puzzle pieces I am so longing to try and piece together.

The podcast of the interview came from website of the Bush China Foundation and was titled "A View Of Covid Through The Lens Of U.S. China Relations.  The interview took place with Dr. Thomas Frieden who was the former CDC director under Obama. The question posed was on China's ability to a quick economic recovery during a pandemic. Dr Friden goes to explain his thoughts on the subject:

"I think the broader point is that there is not a conflict between public health and economics, (first mention) if you control the virus you get your economy back and we see that all around the world, the country, all around the world the places that are doing a better job of controlling the virus are doing a better job of restoring economic growth. I would even make this point more broadly than covid (heads up), it's shown strongly and clearly with covid but it's also true for many health problems. When people are ill, when they have cancer or heart disease, when they have disabilities or difficulties that aren't addressed health wise productivity is less. (heads up) So every country in the world needs to embrace the fundamental concept that there ISN'T conflict between health and economics. (second mention) Better health is the route to more economic progress."

In retrospect to using words like "broader point" being is essentially saying we don't dispose of people like China does, in China people are a dime a dozen, a disposable by-product of production if their health gets in the way. This was significant enough for me to write it down and lay it aside the other puzzle pieces on the table. It didn't take to long before another video came about that appeared to link health and economics. Linked up inside this video at 1:40 into there is shown a short video excerpt of Jacinda Ardern grinning like a Cheshire cat talking about suicides and mental health, linking it up to a five percent drop in production rates. Her whole body language is indicative of someone who wish they could just take them out back and shoot them before they cause any disruption to the economy.  I had no sooner gotten over her lack of a heartfelt response to people suffering mentally and killing themselves when Pfizer ran the commercial mentioned above on television. Nothing says it better than the murderous modus operandi behind the vaccines. So blatantly obvious just like Jacinda.

The video opens up mentioning people just out and about in life, it then goes into a dialogue of:

These moments may not seem remarkable but at Pfizer protecting the routine in everyday drives us to reach for exceptional, working to impact hundreds of millions of lives, young and old, it's what we call the pursuit of normal.

The video then goes into playing music with someone singing:

It starts the better things, the better things

Those moments didn't seem remarkable because these weren't people being wheeled out of a hospital after a Pfizer drug cured them, someone coming back from a heart attack after taking a Pfizer drug, these were all normal healthy people. People at a bus stop, people shopping, people going out for a coffee, normal healthy people. The commercial didn't place emphasis on protecting the people from disease but the routine of being able to drive exceptionalism. What this says is that they've had it all wrong, economics would tell you it's more costly to try cure epidemics. Epidemics is driven by genetics or the choices in which people choose to live their lives that don't take into consideration healthy choices. What they want to do is reverse course, they want to use genetic sequencing to prolong the lives of those who strive to live a productive healthy economically contributing lifestyle, they can't do that if their focus is on the sick and dying, they can't do that if they are busy trying to figure out why you are pre-disposed to disease. The medical emphasis now will focus on extending the life expectancy of those who are healthy not curing those who are genetically pre-dispose or choose not to live a healthy lifestyle. What globalist wouldn't look someone straight in the face and say screw all you sick and dying I want to live longer, I am more important than you, I want medical science to figure out how I can live forever. I want them to figure out how to stop the aging process, I want them to figure out how I can always look youthful, we are wasting way to much money on people whom it's already through predetermination to die whether through being predisposed or unhealthy habits. To them genetic genome sequencing holds the key to the answer, it starts the better things. This is a whole new world of science and that's where they want the research path to go. Commoners now are a dime a dozen, easily replaceable, they will no longer be allowed to interfere with economic growth or the ability to find the answers that will extend their lives.

Eliminating those already predisposed or sick will save billions in health care cost, increase productivity and allow them to move forward in the field of genetic science. The prevention period is over, it was to costly as can be seen in this written summary almost twenty years ago by the CDC.

Purpose of the plan: To chart a course for the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) and collaborating public health agencies, with all interested
partners and the public at large, to help in promoting achievement of national
goals for preventing heart disease and stroke over the next two decades—through
2020 and beyond.
Heart disease and stroke are among the nation’s leading causes of death
and major causes of disability, projected to cost more than $351 billion in

In the next two decades, these conditions can be expected to increase
sharply as this country’s “baby boom” generation ages. The current disease
burden, recent trends, and growing disparities among certain populations
reinforce this projection.
Yet these conditions are largely preventable. As expressed in the Steps to
a Healthier US initiative from Secretary of Health and Human Services
Tommy G. Thompson, the long-term solution for our nation's health
care crisis requires embracing prevention as the first step. To reverse the
epidemic of heart disease and stroke through increasingly effective prevention, action is needed now

Those actions are over with, they have failed. The increased medical cost with the baby boomer generation and their inability to pay back what they've robbed these people of in social retirement plans has driven them to change course. That course came with a vaccine that as seen in this video of given testimony of specialist, doctors and others is highly suspected of being concocted to block gene's that prohibit the growth of breast cancers, promote other cancers to advance, cause serious neurological and heart damage.  There have been similar seminars and testimony given, some to congressional subcommittees, they have no intention of stopping it despite the growing evidence against the vaccines.

When they talk about progressing into the endemic stages what they are eluding to is the stage that will main stream the vaccines. They are acknowledging they have or are close to having done reached their epidemic stage of the kill and will move to a slower more endemic stage of killing off a populace they have enriched themselves off, continue to enrich themselves off and only care about advancing their own personal wealth and longevity. Though I have my doubts this is the end of the epidemic stage, entering into the endemic stage if it happens will probably see more variant specific vaccines/boosters being promoted and the introduction of flu/covid combination shots. Don't let your guard down, keep searching for answers and most importantly protect your loved ones and friends to the best of your ability.


You can access the links to the information used in the op within the article on my blog or follow the links provided below.

hive. blog/deepdives/@sunlit7/covid-deaths-and-the-economic-factor

ispot. tv/ad/q_Qc/pfizer-inc-remarkable

bushchinafoundation  .org/a-view-of-covid-through-the-lens-of-u-s-china-relations-2/

/hive. blog/hive-122315/@theouterlight/iusdwion

/banned. video/watch?id=61f08a740388fd1a8a6afca9