Monday, January 24, 2022

Savor the Democrats’ Humiliation

"The Democrats’ “Biden is FDR and not just a desiccated, pervy old weirdo” dreams have died." 


Article by Kurt Schlichter in Townhall

Savor the Democrats’ Humiliation

There’s no sense in pretending that we don’t take pleasure in the total failure of our Marxist-curious party of the left. Through a combination of outright fraud, procedural irregularities, plus the total support of the garbage establishment and its failed institutions, the Democrats took power by the thinnest of margins and have proceeded to fail on a level comparable to Heaven’s Gate, New Coke, and the Weekly Standard. There’s no shame in enjoying their total rejection by all decent Americans. In fact, you should enjoy it without hesitation or mercy, especially since it means more than just us cons getting our jollies.

The Democrats’ “Biden is FDR and not just a desiccated, pervy old weirdo” dreams have died. Their dreams of five trillion in handouts to bums and donors have died.  Their dreams of enshrining their ability to cheat in elections have died. The Democrats can’t even shatter norms, like the filibuster, competently. 

So much fail in so little time. The Latinx community – which the Dems put all their faith in as part of an unstoppable future majority, is rejecting them, in large part because Democrats are the kind of people who use the word “Latinx” unironically. Some foreigners, seeing the Democrats’ weakness and stupidity – it’s not just Commander-in-Chief Crusty who is the problem – are chomping at the bit to chomp off pieces of other countries because they know that the Dems put the “feck” in “feckless.” The rest are invading our country through what used to be a border. Inflation is up, the market is down, and November 2022 is approaching just over the horizon like a Tongan tsunami.

Noted dead white guy Samuel Johnson, who believed that there are only two genders, once observed, “Depend upon it, Sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” It’s an apt analogy here, both because it evokes the fact that the Democrats have gone all-in on the side of the criminals as the crime rate rockets up, and also because it demonstrates just how intractably stupid the Democrats are. They ride in the little cart heading toward their November 8th date with the electoral noose, but their minds are not concentrated on that. Instead they are concentrated on fake insurrections and telling us how CRT is not taught in schools yet must absolutely continue to be taught in schools. 

This is unsustainable, and normal people would know it, but normal people are not quasi-Marxist pagan fanatics who drove actual religion out of their lives and let commie nonsense fill the void. They can’t stop it, even if they wanted to stop it, because their collection of bizarre obsessions is not merely an ideology but a substitute for actual faith. Progressivism is their god. Unfortunately for them, it’s a false god. It’s a political golden calf, except they oppose the gold standard because it wouldn’t let them print all the cash they want to spend, and Dems are leery of cattle because their Swalwellian flatulence causes global warming, which is another facet of their fake, foolish faith.

But then again, no cow ever scored with Fang Fang, so advantage steak.

Sucks for the Dems that they have no choice but to stagger on toward ruin, accumulating ever more failures and disgraces, all the while doing the impossible and making the Republican Party look good, if only in comparison. But this is more than just a bad electoral cycle. Everyone has up years and down years. This is something much worse. This is a head-first dive into a cesspool with their eyes and mouths wide open.

Their pain is actually the manifestation of their destruction as a whole new generation gets to see what we Boomers/Gen Xers saw happen under Jimmy Carter. The Biden misadministration is the hot stove of politics – a generation just got burned going for the guy without the mean tweets. That won’t happen again, at least for the ones who aren’t dumb. For the ones who are dumb – many of them the same lackwits for whom the “voting rights” nonsense was designed to facilitate their voting – they’ll keep putting their palms on the burners and being surprised when they smell singed hand. “I voted for Biden and someone broke into my car, plus I caught COVID though I quadruple mask and quintuple vaxx, and then I got drafted to go fight to protect Hunter’s investments in Ukraine! How did this happen? Also, Biden 2024!”

The Democrats always fail, always. They hate normal Americans, they screw up the economy, they coddle criminals, and they sometimes marry their brothers. When you give these morons authority, they will mess everything up – magnificently. Name a functioning institution in our society that works even adequately. I am not even talking about working well. I am merely talking about doing its most basic job in a competent manner. Don’t worry, I’ll wait right here, re-reading War and Peace.

There isn’t one. There is no competently-run institution left in America. Academia is broke. The military is broke. The NFL is broke. Even Safeway is broke – you can’t even be sure you’ll find milk on the shelves anymore. And what’s the one thing our institutions have in common? They are run by the left, and the Democrats are the party of the left.

So, our delight in watching them be publicly humiliated is not merely just a fun way to pass the time. It is also a recognition that this botch job the Democrats have done on America is going to turn a huge chunk of people against them for good. A year ago, Republicans were -7 in party identification. Today, they are +7, a tectonic +14-point swing. That signals doom, and it’s going to be hilarious.

Now, there will be invertebrate Republicans who will look at this situation and instinctively seek a way to foul-up our good fortune. Fungi like Miracle Whip Mitt will think that now is the time to reach across the aisle to help our friends on the left. This is stupid. The squishes probably think it is unseemly to kick your opponent when he is down, but when he is down, he is the most vulnerable and you can do the most damage.

And we want to damage these pinko jerks before they Marx-up our country forever.

We want socialism destroyed. Not tamed, not moderated, crushed. Wiped out. Nuked from orbit, because that is the only way to be sure.

When we are done, we want the Democrat Party terrified of even hinting at support for anything remotely like the socialism they are currently swapping spit with. This is a bloodsport, a matter of either us and freedom winning, or us acquiescing to a jack-booted, lib-fascist future forever. We choose freedom. And that’s why we celebrate and savor the total humiliation of the Democrats. Keep it up, losers! 

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