Monday, January 24, 2022

“America is Back?” From Superpower to Afterthought in One Year

Joe Biden lacks the respect, influence, and gravitas to matter to America’s allies.

When Joe Biden was elected, he boasted that “America is back.” Yessir, our allies will once again respect us because a decrepit, broken-down old crock who has never been right on foreign policy is now in the White House.

But from the way Joe’s foreign policy has been going, “America is back” is just as big a fiction as “I will shut down the virus.”

As Russia stands poised to invade Ukraine, the doddering old man in the White House said nothing would happen to Russia if all they launched was a “minor incursion.” Then his “foreign policy” people had to rush in with a mop to clean up the diplomatic mess their boss made.

It didn’t exactly instill “trust” and “respect” among our allies.

In fact, Reuters reported yesterday that Germany, Ukraine, France, and Russia will be holding 4-way talks this coming week in Paris.

Noticeably absent from these talks is the “America is Back” administration.

These guys have so little respect for Joe Biden that his foreign policy team didn’t even get an invite.

Our European allies seem to agree with Barack Obama’s assessment of Joe Biden: “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”

Not only do our European allies not respect this administration, they also don’t think much of Biden’s diplomatic abilities.

“America is Back,” indeed.

Sure, the Biden State Department spent the weekend tweeting the hashtag “#StandWithUkraine 👋” while the president held virtual meetings from his hidey-hole at Camp David. But when it comes to actual talks, the “America is Back” administration is getting kicked to the sidelines.

Biden constantly complained about Trump’s “go it alone” foreign policy. Now Europe is taking the “go it alone” route by leaving the Biden administration behind to cool its heels in Washington.

On Friday, Reuters reported that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz turned down an invitation from President Biden to discuss the ongoing Ukraine crisis.

Scholz had scheduling conflicts, don’t you know.

Funny, that’s the same excuse Stacey Abrams gave two weeks ago when she turned down an invitation to attend Biden’s vicious Georgia speech on her pet project, “voting rights.”

If America was truly “Back,” Scholz would have made the time to speak with the President of the United States. But Joe Biden lacks the respect, influence, and gravitas to matter, so it’s “thanks, but no thanks.”

Unless by “Back” Joe Biden meant the “back of the bus,” America is not back.

We’ve gone from Superpower to Afterthought in one year.

Not only is that pathetic, but it’s also incredibly dangerous to our standing in the world and to our national security.