Friday, February 12, 2021

5 Times Joe Biden Openly Urged Violence Against Political Opponents

The Senate moved forward with day three of its second pointless impeachment trial Thursday, pursuing the conviction of a president already out of office over alleged “incitement of insurrection” regarding the attacks on the U.S. Capitol building in early January.

House Democrats passed the snap impeachment within a week of the riot, without one hearing or one witness, charging then-President Donald Trump with provoking the mob of his supporters to storm the Capitol building with a speech that encouraged them to protest peacefully. Despite the horde of his supporters beginning their assault before the president had even finished his speech, Democrats declared Trump was solely responsible anyway and have now kept the Senate’s top priority on punishing an ousted president as the nation faces crises on several fronts. 

Meanwhile, President Joe “Unity” Biden has a history of his own encouraging political violence against opponents, and the media remained virtually silent in what has become a routine double standard. Here are five examples of the now-president doing just that:

1. ‘High Threshold of Pain’

In 2018, Biden fantasized about hurting North Dakota Republican Sen. Kevin Cramer, who was then challenging a Democratic incumbent.

“I’d like to give him a high threshold of pain,” Biden said. “I’m serious. I’m really serious.”

2. ‘Threshold of Pain’ 2.0

Biden made the same remark at a campaign event for the state’s Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, encouraging the president of a trade union in attendance to “show [Cramer] a threshold of pain.”

3. ‘Go Outside with Me’

Campaigning for president in 2020, Biden told a Detroit factory worker “you’re full of sh-t” and challenged him “to go outside with me.”

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4. Fight ‘Behind the Gym’

In the fall of 2016, Biden said he wanted to take Trump “behind the gym.”

5. ‘Beat the Hell out of Him’

In 2018, Biden doubled down on his 2016 remark, saying he wanted to take his future Republican opponent “behind the gym and beat the hell out of [Trump].”

The Democratic Party itself normalized political violence as the primary means for individuals to make their voices heard after spending all last year justifying militant Black Lives Matter riots that erupted in repeated outbursts across the country, because racism.

Find 28 times Democrats and their progressive allies in legacy media excused or endorsed political violence here.

Elections Have Consequences – Gas Prices Expected to Top $4/gal Next Year

When President Obama was in office gas prices soared to more than $5/gal.  When President Trump took office he unleashed the energy sector and we became energy independent for the first time driving gas prices down.  Now reports of the current JoeBama policy impact show gas prices likely to top $4.00/gal next year.

WASHINGTON – […] Since Election Day, gas and crude oil prices have jumped. In the United States, gas prices are up 18% and oil nearly 50%.

Said another industry expert, “In four years, we had made the U.S. energy independent and denied the bad guys the ability to control global oil prices. The Democrats undo it in two weeks. Just incredible.”

Many of Biden’s first moves were directed at radically cutting the chances for further global warming. Several will kill jobs.

Every department has been ordered to factor climate change into their moves. In addition, he suspended new drilling leases on federal lands, restricted U.S funds in worldwide carbon energy programs, eliminated “fossil fuel subsidies,” stopped the Keystone XL oil pipeline construction, and slapped a moratorium on federal leases in Arctic Wildlife Refuge. (read more)

Higher fuel prices disproportionately hits the working class.  In addition to higher cost to fill-up your tank, transportation costs increase and raw material costs increase.  The downstream impact of increased oil prices are significant.

Economic and foreign policies that return to an era of OPEC dependence are favored by those who push the “climate change” agenda.  Those who support energy independence understand that U.S. foreign policy is able to retract when we are not dependent on other nations for our fuel and raw materials.   It is all connected.

Gina Carano Counterpunches: She'll Produce and Star in New Project With The Daily Wire

Article by Stacey Lennox in PJMedia

Gina Carano Counterpunches: She'll Produce and Star in New Project With The Daily Wire

Gina Carano has a new gig 24 hours after being fired by Lucasfilm from the hit show The Mandalorian on Disney+. Luckily for Carano, conservative upstarts at The Daily Wire are making their first forays into the entertainment space. Their first feature film, Run, Hide, Fight from producer Dallas Sonnier was released in January and received an audience rating of 93% positive on Rotten Tomatoes, even though critics tried to torpedo it.

Now, Carano will be producing and starring in an upcoming film exclusively for The Daily Wire. While no details are available on the project, Carano seems more than pleased with the new opportunity:

The Daily Wire is helping make one of my dreams — to develop and produce my own film — come true. I cried out and my prayer was answered. I am sending out a direct message of hope to everyone living in fear of cancellation by the totalitarian mob. I have only just begun using my voice which is now freer than ever before, and I hope it inspires others to do the same. They can’t cancel us if we don’t let them.”

The new project is part of The Daily Wire’s partnership with Sonnier’s company Bonfire Legend. When he appeared on Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire interview show Sunday Special, Sonnier said he hopes to bring more movie production to Dallas, Texas, where his company is located. He is looking to bring fresh storylines to the screen that don’t conform to Hollywood’s preferred themes.

Shapiro told Deadline that bringing in voices and talent that don’t conform to the ideas and expectations of the radical Left is all part of the mission:

“We could not be more excited to be working with Gina Carano, an incredible talent dumped by Disney and Lucasfilm for offending the authoritarian Hollywood Left. This is what Daily Wire exists to do: provide an alternative not just for consumers, but for creators who refuse to bow to the mob.”

“We’re eager to bring Gina’s talent to Americans who love her, and we’re just as eager to show Hollywood that if they want to keep canceling those who think differently, they’ll just be helping us build the Xwing to take down their Death Star.”

Disney Fired Gina Carano for a Holocaust Post. What About Pedro Pascal?

Shapiro dropping the gratuitous Star Wars reference is par for the course. Carano also lost her talent agency UTA after Lucasfilm fired her, but she appears to have bounced back. Scott Karp at the Syndicate now represents her. Supposedly, Lucasfilm fired Carano for “abhorrent” social media posts. If abhorrent now means not conforming to the radical Left’s preferred narrative, maybe. However, it was not the first time the woke mob came after her since she started appearing as Cara Dune on the popular series.

She was accused of being transphobic after mocking the practice of putting pronouns in a Twitter bio. She also made a plea on Twitter to clean up our election process after November 3, 2020, enraging the left-wing mob. She dared to take the position of approximately 70% of Americans and say voter ID should be mandatory.

There was a time when Hollywood was considered anti-establishment, and dissidents were hot properties. Not anymore. That provides The Daily Wire plenty of room to capitalize on being a home for these now excommunicated voices. If history is any guide, young adults prefer the counterculture. And Hollywood is pure establishment dreck.

Mandalorian was wildly popular with viewers 25 and under, and Carano was a standout character. This project opens a door for The Daily Wire to attract new subscribers. It also allows new subscribers to hear ideas and perspectives not represented in mainstream news and entertainment. Partners Jeremey Boreing and Shapiro have built a platform almost tailor-made for Gen Z.

This cohort grew up online and could be called the Instagram generation. They are well aware things are not always as they seem in an era of filtered selfies. As a result, they crave authenticity and access. Each Daily Wire host has frequent “all-access” live broadcasts. They talk about almost anything other than politics, answering questions from members. Once a month, all the hosts and Boreing get together for Backstage and chat about culture, entertainment, politics, and whatever else comes up. It allows viewers to see the range of views the staff hold on a myriad of issues, shattering the idea that the right side of the political aisle is a monolith that engages in groupthink.

As Hollywood continues to cede ground caving to the Twitter mob, it will continue to open new opportunities for The Daily Wire and other upstarts that decide to enter the space. Shapiro and the gang seem more than ready to do the conservative thing and “pounce” on these opportunities. 


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I Was Fine With Wearing A Mask Until Government Demanded I Wear Two

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published a new study on face masks Wednesday, touting the benefits of individuals wearing two masks instead of one to prevent transmission of the novel Wuhan coronavirus.

The study, conducted entirely on mannequin models in a controlled environment, not any human subjects, concluded double masking was about 95 percent effective at reducing particle transmission.

While the CDC’s official guidelines remained officially unchanged to recommend two masks, it didn’t have to make the explicit demand for it to take effect. Legacy media outlets, with the help of their allies in Silicon Valley, jumped at the chance to report out the study published on the CDC’s page to make double-masking the new social standard. If the last 11 months have provided any evidence, it will become the new standard.

Below is Twitter amplifying the study to users across the platform.

Then came the typical culprits taking a single study that promotes their narrative to amplify its findings across the internet. CNN followed suit, along with the Washington Post, the New York Times, and all the rest.

The study, not based on any actual people and not using the highest-quality research methods such as a randomized controlled trial, will ultimately serve to justify those demanding double mask requirements while vilifying those who oppose the idea as cartoon caricatures who don’t believe in science and want people to die. There’s no room to even debate the efficacy of face masks in the first place since big tech shut that down too.

When requirements for facial coverings arrived, I was fine wearing a face mask. I spray my eucalyptus pillow mist in them to keep them fresh, and when the Colorado cold came, I certainly didn’t mind the extra warmth. If it made those around me feel more comfortable, I was happy to oblige.

But when questions began to rise about when we can finally ditch them, even after multiple vaccines have arrived and millions have recovered, it’s become ever more clear our leaders have no intent of us having our lives back.

The issue stretches far beyond a face mask, because it’s not just a mask like we’ve been told time and again on repeat. It’s just a mask, it’s just six feet, it’s just two weeks, it’s just another few weeks, it’s just another month, another season, another holiday, another year, another birthday, another wedding, another graduation, another milestone, another concert, another business, until there’s a vaccine, until everyone’s vaccinated, until there’s another vaccine.

Don’t be selfish, they say, don’t live your life. It’s just two masks.

There is no small portion of the population that now that just wants the government to tell them exactly what to do, the same government that shut down their neighbor’s businesses declaring their lives’ work non-essential. It’s amazing to consider the American public’s apathy towards liberty 250 years after the Boston patriots dumped tea into the harbor over a dumb tax. In fact, I’ve seen people huffing and puffing at 8,000 feet with nobody else nearby being yelled at by other hikers for taking a few minutes to collect themselves without a face covering.

When asked on Fox News this week when Americans could stop wearing face masks, National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Anthony Fauci said when the coronavirus “is not a threat at all.” Meanwhile, scores of public health officials from the same apparatus demanding double face masks are saying the coronavirus is “here to stay,” a pandemic that’s with us for as long as we last, so too now are the masks.

Time for conservatives to insist Americans go back to first principles


Article by Arthur L. Fremantle in The American Thinker

Time for conservatives to insist Americans go back to first principles

An astute British military observer and eyewitness to the clash of armies at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in July 1863 lamented in the battle's bloody aftermath, "I never can believe that in the nineteenth century the civilized world will be condemned to witness the destruction of such a gallant race."  Whether this reference was to the fate of the invading rebel forces who hosted the observer behind their lines of battle or to the Union Army, whose victory was sealed at an equally devastating cost, is immaterial when considering the crushing blows the American spirit endured in that moment.

Today, we are engaged in another kind of civil war.  Though we are not yet embroiled in pitched battle, Americans need only read news headlines to discern the indifference of man to his fellow man and to glean from our litany of divisions the sentiment of the wishful destruction of our own countrymen with malice in our hearts.  Today, as in our last Civil War, a house divided against itself cannot stand.

Although the civil, ideological, political, and social fissures in our society have existed for decades, in recent years, they have fractured into a chasm.  Differences between liberal and conservative, Democrat and Republican that could once be reconciled in the common goal of societal betterment are now irreparable as a rule vice an exception.  The prevailing wisdom, one might infer, is that the American Experiment is at a crossroads.  Will the house divided against itself fall, or can Americans find common ground on pride of country, on human decency, and on the inalienable rights of all Americans to thrive regardless of myriad differences that should not stigmatize us, but make us profoundly unique?

The woeful lack of comprehension of American history is the great undoing of recent generations.  Lost to the far left are once peaceful sit-ins and the concept of civil disobedience championed by American figures like Martin Luther King, Jr., replaced with the repugnant, mindless violence seen across the land in a wanton effort by radicals to terrorize and denigrate the very country that bestowed upon them the rights they defile in their Marxist-anarchist quest to shred the fabric of America.

What, then, are sensible, conservative-minded Americans to do in a seemingly upside-down country mired in an Orwellian nightmare?  It may come as a surprise to some Americans that past behavior is a reliable predictor of future behavior.  As the adage goes, those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.  America has an existential problem when a majority of her citizens are incapable of correctly identifying Abraham Lincoln as the 16th president, let alone explaining the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.  An understanding of the breadth and scope of our founding documents is a critical step in fortifying our minds against the relentless onslaught of leftist attacks on our freedoms of thought and expression.  In short, let your mind be your arsenal, and let knowledge be the weapons with which you stock it.  Educate yourself about the Founding Fathers, the perilous struggle of patriots to prop up a fledgling United States, and the early missteps that would come back to haunt a burgeoning nation.  Read about the many factors that ignited the Civil War, the abhorrently consequential institution of slavery, and the tumult of Reconstruction that is tangible to this day.  Learn about American grit and sheer determination to defeat fascism and imperial expansion in WWII, and about the struggle for communist containment.  Do this, and you will arm yourself with the fortitude that no manifestation of violent leftism can defeat.

Once you are awakened to the root causes and possible solutions to today's crises, take an active but nonviolent role in rooting out those elements in society who would topple the pillars of our constitutional republic established in our nation's birth as a model to revere.  Violence in this pursuit only undermines an otherwise noble undertaking, so instead, turn to our most important civic duty: voting.

Far too often, conservatives are complacent in election cycles, thus ceding critical public offices at the state and local levels to leftist candidates whose army of foot soldiers, explicitly or implicitly, are actively and sometimes violently thwarting traditional American beliefs.  Take, for instance, county school board elections.  Leftists covet these positions because of the ideological influence they can sow in the education of America's youth.  While you may not notice their actions on a granular level, you can find daily examples of anti-American thought in our schools at the national level.  Showing up to vote your belief in the fundamental goodness of America, or even running for political office yourself, will help turn the tide of the raging assault on our deeply held values.  Willful ignorance of our current trajectory, or sheer indifference to our elections and the patriotic ambitions of like-minded Americans, will only allow for the promulgation of leftist tyranny.

If an obscure British observer forgotten by time could succinctly articulate what must have looked like the imminent destruction of America, surely from an understanding of our history and a steadfast commitment to participation in our civic duties can we resolve to deliver her salvation.


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The Babylon Bee Guide To Being Woke

Brought to you by:

Woke Fragility (a parody!): Bringing Moderates to Heel

Being "woke" is very important in order to show the world you're a good person, and also to avoid having your entire life wrecked by a Twitter mob!

In order to achieve success and respect from all the good woke people -- which is the most important thing you can achieve in life -- you need to learn how to be properly woke! Here is our definitive guide:

  • Carefully choose your pronouns and then scream them at everyone you meet: Whenever you go to Costco, loudly scream your pronouns in shoppers' faces. If anyone refuses to celebrate your pronouns, smash a giant box of pretzels over their head and call the manager.
  • Select the most oppressed identity possible: Test people's loyalty to the cause by identifying as a walrus and cancel anyone who doesn't make walrus noises every time they see you.
  • Compare everything to Nazis: Compare everything to Nazis (as long as you're a Democrat. If you're a Republican this might get you fired).
  • Learn to hate the right people: Hate is good when directed at the correct targets. All you have to do is follow the guidelines of a mentally ill Twitter mob who will help steer your hate in the right direction!
  • Pre-order David Hogg's Good Pillow: You want to sleep at night, don't you??
  • Classify everyone according to their race and not as an individual: Always loudly acknowledge the skin color of every person you talk to and make it the main subject of the conversation.
  • If you are white, do not have any black friends: This may trick you into thinking you aren't racist.
  • To help atone for our racist past, try some casual segregation: Create safe spaces where everyone is segregated by race, gender, and gender identity. It's the only way to achieve unity. Anyone who objects to this is racist.
  • Vote for policies that sound virtuous, no matter how much they actually harm people of color: Always vote for policies with virtuous-sounding names, even if they destroy black and brown communities. Appearance is everything!
  • Always have extremely low expectations of minorities: Be sure to constantly remind them they can never overcome their circumstances without your help.
  • Abandon religion, and instead accept everything the woke crowd believes without question: Your religious beliefs are at odds with others. You should fix that and accept Wokism. Repeat after us: WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT.
  • Achieve inner peace by constantly beating yourself up for not doing better: Place a hard yoke and a heavy lifelong burden upon yourself that will never be satisfied and that will never offer grace, forgiveness, or rest.

That's pretty much it! Get back to us when you have achieved all these. 

We'll probably have a new list for ya!

Graham: the Not Guilty Vote Is Growing, "What Did Pelosi Know and When Did She Know It?"

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is making the rounds of shows getting the evidence out there in regards to the impeachment to counter a lot of the spin which Democrats have been engaging in.

We reported yesterday on how he told President Donald Trump that the case was essentially over because he didn’t see Republicans convicting based on where they were at on the constitutionality and based on the facts of the case.

Graham appeared on Fox with Sean Hannity last night and again took apart the Democrats’ case, refuting it with the evidence that Democrats didn’t bother to look for before blindly voting to impeach President Donald Trump on snap impeachment.

Graham said that after the Wednesday presentation by the Democrats that the “not guilty” vote has actually grown.

“The not-guilty vote is growing after today. I think most Republicans found the presentation by the House managers offensive and absurd,” Graham declared.

He also questioned where these House Managers were when he, Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) and others were being threatened in the past.

From BizPac Review:

“I don’t remember any of these House managers saying a damn thing when they were trying to break into my house and going after Susan Collins and spitting on all of us,” he said.

“If this is a problem for a politician to give the speech that President Trump did, well then Kamala Harris has a real problem because she actively engaged in bailing out rioters. And here’s what I would suggest: If you’re a politician trying to raise bail for people accused of rioting, you’re inciting more riots,” he said.

Exactly. Great point. Not only inciting but also implicitly endorsing. That was not only Kamala Harris, it was also 13 staffers from the Biden campaign who donated to that bail fund. Then Kamala and others not only donated but they promoted it to regular Americans encouraging them to donate on Twitter. The Democrats even explicitly embraced the BLM at the national convention, recognizing them in a weird musical number.

Remember when BLM/Antifa folks were attacking the federal courthouse in Portland for months? They’re still intermittently hitting that by the way. But remember the reaction of Nancy Pelosi as they were attacking the federal government with explosive fireworks every nights, injuring dozens of federal officers and trying to blind them? Her response was to accuse the president of sending in “stormtroopers” to “kidnap” those poor peaceful citizens attacking the building.

Graham said now that it’s clear to the Democrats the facts don’t support the claim about Trump’s speech, they’re now trying to switch up their story and claim that the president knew about it before hand. But their case is based on the claim that it was inspired from the speech so that’s a big problem, he said.

Graham claimed the impeachment managers now is pushing the “cockamamie idea” that Trump was monitoring Proud Boy sites and knew what was going to happen. “That is looney-tunes, and you know why they’re saying that? Because if the president didn’t know and it was actually preplanned, he’s not guilty… This is not evidence, this is a liberal democratic novel being presented as evidence.”

Graham laid out how the FBI and the Capitol Police are both saying they believe this was preplanned, so Trump couldn’t have incited it by his speech on Jan. 6 as the Democrats’ Article of Impeachment claims.

He pointed out how there were bombs planted the night before at the RNC and the DNC. That couldn’t have been inspired by Trump’s speech that hadn’t happened yet, not is there any evidence that Trump supporters were behind that or that it had any connection to the rally. What authorities have said is that that they believe they were planted by someone who knew the area. Graham also put it to Nancy Pelosi, if it was widely known, what did Pelosi know?

“So the whole story line that Donald Trump caused this by his speech has fallen apart due to good law enforcement activity,” he said. “And here’s what I want to know: What did Nancy Pelosi know, and when did she know it? If this was widely known by the FBI and Capitol Hill Police that people were planning to come to Washington before the 6th to create violence, I want to know did she know about that?” he asked.

Schumer Has Another Idea to Punish Trump if Senate Acquits Him



"Fatal Attraction"


Article by Reagan McCarthy in Townhall

Schumer Has Another Idea to Punish Trump if Senate Acquits Him

Or Part Three of a one-sided fatal attraction love affair

As the impeachment trial for President Donald Trump continues on, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) did not rule out another avenue to punish the former president if he is ultimately acquitted by the Senate. 

The New York Democrat indicated that his party could invoke section 3 of the 14th amendment, which allows Congress to ban those who have engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” from running for public office. 

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who...shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof," the amendment reads, adding that Congress shall “have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions.”

Schumer maintained that Democrats remain focused on the current impeachment trial.



Other Democratic Senators, including Tim Kaine (VA), Chris Murphy (CT), Richard Blumenthal (CT), and Chris Coons (DE), previously indicated that they would be open to the idea of using the 14th amendment if impeachment fails once again. The acquittal of former President Trump is a near foregone conclusion at this point, with most Senate Republicans united. 

The amendment uses language similar to the impeachment article passed by the House, which accuses Trump of “incitement of insurrection.” If invoked, Democrats would still have to convince 10 Republicans to agree to bar Trump from running for public office again. The impeachment trial continues on Friday. 

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New York Never Built a ...

 New York Never Built a Good System for Scheduling Vaccine Appointments, so a Random Software Engineer Did It in His Spare Time

Why didn't Cuomo and De Blasio build a decent, user-friendly website?



Last month, I sat in my Brooklyn apartment and used all the colorful language I know to curse the state of New York's horribly complex maze of vaccine appointment scheduling websites. My in-laws, who are in their 70s, had just become eligible to get vaccinated, and securing appointments for them was my highest priority. Scheduling that appointment has proven to be incredibly complicated. Despite having many months to prepare, New York government's digital infrastructure has proven inadequate for handling a predictably large amount of demand for vaccinations.

When the government failed, a 31-year-old software engineer came to the rescue. Using just $50 and two weeks of time, New York resident and Airbnb engineer Huge Ma built a competing product called TurboVaxwhich collects appointment availability information from NYC Vaccine Hub (the scheduler for 16 vaccination sites), NYC Health and Hospitals(21 sites), and NYS Vaccination Centers (6 sites).

He also built a bot that tweets out appointments when available:

TurboVax does not book appointments on a patient's behalf, but it does let patients know where there is availability and directs them to the appropriate website. Many of the existing government-run websites fail to notify patients when new appointments open up; TurboVax's tweetbot remedies that. Of course, TurboVax's innovation in terms of letting users know which appointments are available (and where) doesn't change the fact that vaccines are still incredibly scarce, with strict rules that govern who is allowed to receive them.

"This wasn't a priority for governments, which was unfortunate," Ma told The New York Times earlier this week. "But everyone has a role to play in the pandemic, and I'm just doing the very little that I can to make it a little bit easier."

It's unclear why it wasn't a priority for governments. New York's failure at both the city and state level to create an easy, centralized appointment-booking system—ideally one that's accessible to seniors, who are currently eligible for vaccines and at the highest risk of dying from COVID-19—is yet another example of how central planners have screwed up every step of the way.

Of course, Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio aren't the only ones royally flubbing the COVID response. Governors and mayors across the country are creating pandemic rules for the little people—ones they certainly couldn't be expected to follow themselves—and instituting new rounds of lockdowns while botching vaccine rollout and failing to collect data on just how many precious doses are being thrown away.

Nationally, it's been a harrowing struggle to attempt to reach herd immunity as new COVID variants circulate in the general population. If we do end up getting a significant-enough swath of the population vaccinated in a timely manner, it will be at least partially because private citizens like Huge Ma stepped up to the plate and delivered where government failed.

Dave Ramsey Says You Were ‘Screwed Already’ If Stimulus Check ‘Changes Your Life’


Article by Brandon Gillespie in The Daily Caller

Dave Ramsey Says You Were ‘Screwed Already’ If Stimulus Check ‘Changes Your Life’

Financial talk show host Dave Ramsey on Thursday railed against President Joe Biden’s proposed coronavirus relief package, and the included stimulus checks, saying that it’s like “peeing on a forest fire.”

Ramsey appeared on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” and discussed with host Bill Hemmer what he sees as the problem with the package and direct payments. 

“There are some situations where folks are hurting and this thing has gotten completely out of hand. I mean, there are people’s lives who have been destroyed by this program,” Ramsey began. “Somebody needs some relief somewhere. I’m fine with that. But this has nothing to do with really helping people. This is a political gimme by progressives simply trying to buy votes.”

“We know that because when you go from $10,000 in forgiveness to $50,000 in forgiveness the people who benefit are not lower income people. The vast majority of people that have an average income or less have less than $10,000 of student loan debt. The vast majority of people who would be blessed by moving it from 10 to 50 are high income earners. So again, this is all political rhetoric. It’s not reality,” he continued, referring to a proposal by Democrats to forgive student loans, something not included in the package.

Biden released the details of his $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package in January, which includes $1,400 direct payments to Americans. If the package becomes law, this will be the third round of direct payments the country has seen since the start of the coronavirus pandemic early last year. Republicans have criticized the high cost of the bill and have counter-offered with a reduced $1,000 in direct payments, among other items.

Hemmer went on to ask Ramsey what he thought would be the right number for the next stimulus check.

“Well, I don’t believe in a stimulus check because if $600 or $1400 changes your life, you were pretty much screwed already. You’ve got other issues going on. You have a career problem, you have a debt problem, you have a relationship problem, you have a mental health problem,” Ramsey responded.

 “Something else is going on if $600 changes your life. And that’s not talking down to folks. I’ve been bankrupt. I’ve been broke. And I work with people everyday who are hurting. I love people. I want people to be lifted up. But this is, again,  it is just political rhetoric and it’s just throwing dollars out there. It’s peeing on a forest fire. It’s absolutely ridiculous,” he concluded.



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