Friday, February 12, 2021

Graham: the Not Guilty Vote Is Growing, "What Did Pelosi Know and When Did She Know It?"

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is making the rounds of shows getting the evidence out there in regards to the impeachment to counter a lot of the spin which Democrats have been engaging in.

We reported yesterday on how he told President Donald Trump that the case was essentially over because he didn’t see Republicans convicting based on where they were at on the constitutionality and based on the facts of the case.

Graham appeared on Fox with Sean Hannity last night and again took apart the Democrats’ case, refuting it with the evidence that Democrats didn’t bother to look for before blindly voting to impeach President Donald Trump on snap impeachment.

Graham said that after the Wednesday presentation by the Democrats that the “not guilty” vote has actually grown.

“The not-guilty vote is growing after today. I think most Republicans found the presentation by the House managers offensive and absurd,” Graham declared.

He also questioned where these House Managers were when he, Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) and others were being threatened in the past.

From BizPac Review:

“I don’t remember any of these House managers saying a damn thing when they were trying to break into my house and going after Susan Collins and spitting on all of us,” he said.

“If this is a problem for a politician to give the speech that President Trump did, well then Kamala Harris has a real problem because she actively engaged in bailing out rioters. And here’s what I would suggest: If you’re a politician trying to raise bail for people accused of rioting, you’re inciting more riots,” he said.

Exactly. Great point. Not only inciting but also implicitly endorsing. That was not only Kamala Harris, it was also 13 staffers from the Biden campaign who donated to that bail fund. Then Kamala and others not only donated but they promoted it to regular Americans encouraging them to donate on Twitter. The Democrats even explicitly embraced the BLM at the national convention, recognizing them in a weird musical number.

Remember when BLM/Antifa folks were attacking the federal courthouse in Portland for months? They’re still intermittently hitting that by the way. But remember the reaction of Nancy Pelosi as they were attacking the federal government with explosive fireworks every nights, injuring dozens of federal officers and trying to blind them? Her response was to accuse the president of sending in “stormtroopers” to “kidnap” those poor peaceful citizens attacking the building.

Graham said now that it’s clear to the Democrats the facts don’t support the claim about Trump’s speech, they’re now trying to switch up their story and claim that the president knew about it before hand. But their case is based on the claim that it was inspired from the speech so that’s a big problem, he said.

Graham claimed the impeachment managers now is pushing the “cockamamie idea” that Trump was monitoring Proud Boy sites and knew what was going to happen. “That is looney-tunes, and you know why they’re saying that? Because if the president didn’t know and it was actually preplanned, he’s not guilty… This is not evidence, this is a liberal democratic novel being presented as evidence.”

Graham laid out how the FBI and the Capitol Police are both saying they believe this was preplanned, so Trump couldn’t have incited it by his speech on Jan. 6 as the Democrats’ Article of Impeachment claims.

He pointed out how there were bombs planted the night before at the RNC and the DNC. That couldn’t have been inspired by Trump’s speech that hadn’t happened yet, not is there any evidence that Trump supporters were behind that or that it had any connection to the rally. What authorities have said is that that they believe they were planted by someone who knew the area. Graham also put it to Nancy Pelosi, if it was widely known, what did Pelosi know?

“So the whole story line that Donald Trump caused this by his speech has fallen apart due to good law enforcement activity,” he said. “And here’s what I want to know: What did Nancy Pelosi know, and when did she know it? If this was widely known by the FBI and Capitol Hill Police that people were planning to come to Washington before the 6th to create violence, I want to know did she know about that?” he asked.