Friday, February 12, 2021

Gina Carano Counterpunches: She'll Produce and Star in New Project With The Daily Wire

Article by Stacey Lennox in PJMedia

Gina Carano Counterpunches: She'll Produce and Star in New Project With The Daily Wire

Gina Carano has a new gig 24 hours after being fired by Lucasfilm from the hit show The Mandalorian on Disney+. Luckily for Carano, conservative upstarts at The Daily Wire are making their first forays into the entertainment space. Their first feature film, Run, Hide, Fight from producer Dallas Sonnier was released in January and received an audience rating of 93% positive on Rotten Tomatoes, even though critics tried to torpedo it.

Now, Carano will be producing and starring in an upcoming film exclusively for The Daily Wire. While no details are available on the project, Carano seems more than pleased with the new opportunity:

The Daily Wire is helping make one of my dreams — to develop and produce my own film — come true. I cried out and my prayer was answered. I am sending out a direct message of hope to everyone living in fear of cancellation by the totalitarian mob. I have only just begun using my voice which is now freer than ever before, and I hope it inspires others to do the same. They can’t cancel us if we don’t let them.”

The new project is part of The Daily Wire’s partnership with Sonnier’s company Bonfire Legend. When he appeared on Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire interview show Sunday Special, Sonnier said he hopes to bring more movie production to Dallas, Texas, where his company is located. He is looking to bring fresh storylines to the screen that don’t conform to Hollywood’s preferred themes.

Shapiro told Deadline that bringing in voices and talent that don’t conform to the ideas and expectations of the radical Left is all part of the mission:

“We could not be more excited to be working with Gina Carano, an incredible talent dumped by Disney and Lucasfilm for offending the authoritarian Hollywood Left. This is what Daily Wire exists to do: provide an alternative not just for consumers, but for creators who refuse to bow to the mob.”

“We’re eager to bring Gina’s talent to Americans who love her, and we’re just as eager to show Hollywood that if they want to keep canceling those who think differently, they’ll just be helping us build the Xwing to take down their Death Star.”

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Shapiro dropping the gratuitous Star Wars reference is par for the course. Carano also lost her talent agency UTA after Lucasfilm fired her, but she appears to have bounced back. Scott Karp at the Syndicate now represents her. Supposedly, Lucasfilm fired Carano for “abhorrent” social media posts. If abhorrent now means not conforming to the radical Left’s preferred narrative, maybe. However, it was not the first time the woke mob came after her since she started appearing as Cara Dune on the popular series.

She was accused of being transphobic after mocking the practice of putting pronouns in a Twitter bio. She also made a plea on Twitter to clean up our election process after November 3, 2020, enraging the left-wing mob. She dared to take the position of approximately 70% of Americans and say voter ID should be mandatory.

There was a time when Hollywood was considered anti-establishment, and dissidents were hot properties. Not anymore. That provides The Daily Wire plenty of room to capitalize on being a home for these now excommunicated voices. If history is any guide, young adults prefer the counterculture. And Hollywood is pure establishment dreck.

Mandalorian was wildly popular with viewers 25 and under, and Carano was a standout character. This project opens a door for The Daily Wire to attract new subscribers. It also allows new subscribers to hear ideas and perspectives not represented in mainstream news and entertainment. Partners Jeremey Boreing and Shapiro have built a platform almost tailor-made for Gen Z.

This cohort grew up online and could be called the Instagram generation. They are well aware things are not always as they seem in an era of filtered selfies. As a result, they crave authenticity and access. Each Daily Wire host has frequent “all-access” live broadcasts. They talk about almost anything other than politics, answering questions from members. Once a month, all the hosts and Boreing get together for Backstage and chat about culture, entertainment, politics, and whatever else comes up. It allows viewers to see the range of views the staff hold on a myriad of issues, shattering the idea that the right side of the political aisle is a monolith that engages in groupthink.

As Hollywood continues to cede ground caving to the Twitter mob, it will continue to open new opportunities for The Daily Wire and other upstarts that decide to enter the space. Shapiro and the gang seem more than ready to do the conservative thing and “pounce” on these opportunities. 


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