Thursday, December 16, 2021

I'm Begging Trump Not to Run in '24

 Controversial article

Article by Michael Reagan with Michael R. Shannon in NewsMax

I'm Begging Trump Not to Run in '24

Former President Donald Trump continues to remind us why another presidential run on his part would be a disaster for conservatives, populists and Republicans.

The latest memory aid comes from Israeli reporter Barak Ravid and his new book, "Trump’s Peace: The Abraham Accords and the Reshaping of the Middle East."

Ravid discusses his interviews with Trump in The Jerusalem Post.

During two such conversations with Trump, he brought up the topic of former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a total of five times. Each time Trump was incensed about Netanyahu’s congratulatory call to Joe Biden after the election.

According to Trump, "The first person that congratulated [Biden] was Bibi Netanyahu, the man that I did more for than any other person I dealt with. Bibi could have stayed quiet. He has made a terrible mistake. I haven't spoken with him since. [Expletive] him."

Let’s make something perfectly clear before we continue.

Netanyahu wasn’t holding on Line 1, waiting to talk to Biden just after Fox News called Arizona him. Netanyahu’s call was nearly one month after the election.

Germany, France, Canada, the UK and Ireland had already spoken with Biden before the call from Jerusalem was put through.

(Although in all fairness, Netanyahu’s call could be the first one Biden remembers.)

Netanyahu was simply acting in his nation’s best interests after the political situation in the U.S. changed. That’s not how Trump sees the situation.

Everything is personal with Donald Trump, and that’s the problem.

A good leader separates himself from the office.

He needs to look dispassionately at the political landscape and make decisions based on what’s best for the people who elected him.

The man who was our nation's 45th commander in chief is incapable of doing that.

Flattery and stroking his ego can persuade Trump to support ruinous policies and the slightest offense — real or imagined — will result in Trump opposing a policy that could be very beneficial for his base.

That’s why we are in agreement with columnist Michael Brown’s assessment of Trump, "Donald Trump’s greatest accomplishment as president may not have been the policies he enacted or the justices he appointed. Instead, as important as those accomplishments were and are, it is possible that the most important thing he did as president was to say to the political world, 'I will not play your games. I am the champion of the people, not a member of the good old boy’s club.'"

If Trump runs again it will mean candidates who are actually better constitutional conservatives won’t enter the contest.

Trump will clear the field of any serious candidates and the ones who remain will be fringe dwellers. Fringe dwellers the Regime Media will be happy to provide with a platform where they can attack Trump non-stop before the general election even begins.

Certainly, the Regime Media and the left will oppose any GOP presidential candidate, but that opposition will be nothing compared to what will be unleashed on Trump 2.0.

We’re certain Trump believes he can beat Biden in a rematch, but if sleepy Joe is replaced in 2024, then it’s a whole new ballgame.

We think Trump can perform a real service by not running and instead recruiting and funding primary opponents to at best defeat swamp dwellers and a worst send them a message they won’t soon forget.

We are begging Donald Trump to not make the 2024 election all about him. Again. Instead, we urge him to use his influence to rally support for another GOP nominee and to find, recruit, and fund congressional candidates who really will drain the swamp.

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