Friday, December 10, 2021

Biden lets out his inner teen girl and it’s just awful


Article by Andrea Widburg in The American Thinker

Biden lets out his inner teen girl and it’s just awful

The Democrats aren’t even pretending anymore that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris like each other. Each sees the other as an enemy, although neither can do without the other. Biden needs Harris as his insurance policy against being pushed out under the 25th Amendment. Harris needs Biden because, bad as she is as Vice President, if Biden boots her, she’s got nothing. On Thursday, at the memorial service for Bob Dole, these two disgraceful, immature prima donnas finally gave up any pretense and let it all hang out.

Last year, during a discussion about male versus female government leaders, my daughter opined that it’s not true that countries led by women would be less likely to go to war. Instead, she said, “They’d go to war but they wouldn’t talk to each other for a month first.” I thought of that when I saw the video showing the little teen-queen drama that Biden and Harris enacted at Dole’s memorial service.

First, Harris and her hubby (whose name I always forget), were led to their seats. If you imagine the seats running from left to right, and numbered 1 through 4, hubby occupied seat 1 and Harris occupied seat 2.

Next, the assembled people stood when Biden and Mrs. Biden entered. As Biden passed Harris, the president of the United States and the person who will take his place should something happen to him, showed all the grace of angry teen girls in the silent phase of their fight, looking anywhere but each other. Biden then stood before seat 3, next to Harris, and Mrs. Biden stood before seat 4.

Biden’s and Harris’s conspicuous “I’m not talking to you!” moment was bad enough. It got worse after that. Biden, agitated, whispered something to his wife. She whispered back. Then, more agitated, he whispered again to her—at which point Biden and the missus changed sides so that Biden didn’t have to stand next to his Vice President.

Before you think I’m reading too much into the scene, you should watch it for yourself. Their immaturity is there for all to see, as plain as day:


Watching that piece of juvenile theater, do you feel that our country’s in the very best of hands? What’s worse is knowing that Xi Jinping is watching this and rubbing his hands in glee. When he unleashes whatever it is he’s going to unleash, he won’t be rousing a sleeping giant. He’ll be squishing cockroaches. These people in D.C. are appalling and disgusting. They are the elite at the end of the Roman Empire when it was disintegrating under the weight of moral and financial corruption. 


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