Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Phony Kamala and her Child Actors

Good grief, it just keeps getting worse.

Hoo boy. Just when we thought Phony Kamala couldn’t get any more phony. You know those hideously bad videos of Kamala trying to talk to a bunch of ordinary kids?

Yeah. Those kids were all child actors who auditioned for the role of “ordinary kids.”

They hired freaking actors.

When I saw the report at the Washington Examiner this evening, I nearly fell out of my chair.

“Hey, guys, I know how we can make Kamala look less phony. Let’s film her with a bunch of children. She can interact with them and be engaging. But not just any children. Too many variables out of our control. No. We need to hire a bunch of child actors to play the roles.”

Pro tip. If you want to make Phony Kamala look authentic, how’s about you not do something terrifically stupid like holding auditions for the regular people she’s about to meet with?

Honestly, her new crisis communications team needs to be fired because they keep adding to their workload.

But wait! It gets even worse.

See, first there’s the name of this video series:

“Get Curious With Vice President Harris.”

Really? What genius came up with a name so fraught with double entendre as to border on pornographic. Were they trying to remind us all of the sordid way Kamala clawed her way to the top?

Now you want to hear the most hilarious part?

The “Get Curious With Vice President Harris” series is being produced by a company called Sinking Ship Entertainment.

Hahahahahaha!!! Is that not absolutely perfect?

When I read that, I laughed so hard, I had a coughing fit.

Talk about an aptly named production company to captain this Titanic-sized disaster.

Is Kamala’s new crisis communications team trying to make more work for themselves?

First Joe Biden’s phony White House play set and now Phony Kamala and her child actors.

Honestly, is there anything about this administration that’s authentic at all?
