Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Falling Apart: Democrats Already Finger-Pointing at Each Other Over Upcoming Midterm Losses

Brandon Morse reporting for RedState

Democrats are on a high-speed rail headed straight for disaster in the upcoming midterms and they know it. They know it so well that they’re already casting blame on fellow members of their own party.

According to The Hill, the 2022 midterm elections are increasingly looking like a massive GOP victory, and as the midterms approach, the divide within the Democrat party becomes increasingly more visible. The differences between more moderate Democrats and the growing extremism within the party’s more radical leftists is apparent, and they’ve begun pointing fingers at each other over a loss that hasn’t even happened yet.

For instance, part of the issue is the hard-left holding up the infrastructure bill, something that moderate Democrats see as a surefire way to make centrist constituents angry while suffering zero blowback thanks to the safety of the hard-left Democrats’ solidly blue districts. The radicals want the social spending package before anything else happens, and are holding the infrastructure bill hostage until it’s passed.

“It’s very risky to have to go back to your district and tell people that you voted ‘no’ on $1.2 trillion of infrastructure funding,” said Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, a “Blue Dog” Democrat.

The Hill reported that the radicals see it differently:

Progressives take a completely different view.

They see themselves as fighting for the Biden agenda, and argue the party’s liberal base will have no reason to come out and support liberal and centrist Democrats alike unless lawmakers can enact real change at a time when they hold the White House and both chambers of Congress.

In other words, they see a moment to shove through extreme agenda items in the short time they have, making it clear that even they know they don’t have much longer before the Democrats’ time in power goes belly-up. Minnesota’s resident extremist, Ilhan Omar, summed up the radicals’ position:

“Inaction is insanity … Trying to kill your party’s agenda is insanity. … Losing the majority in the House in the Senate is insanity,” said Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), one of the leaders of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

“Being sane is trying to do everything that you can to get to the table, negotiate in good faith, not break deals, and deliver on behalf of the American people on the promises that we make.”

The frustration over this from moderates was put well by Virginia’s Rep. Abigail Spanberger.

“We are now arbitrarily waiting until some point in the future for the progress of another bill that is outside of physical infrastructure to pass. And so now these bills are tied together. There had been talks of dual track; dual tracks mean two. Now they’re, I guess, on the same exact train car,” said Spanberger.

Both sides of the Democrat civil war are living under some sort of delusion. The moderate Democrats won’t be saved by the passage of the infrastructure bill and the radicals won’t get their social spending package with moderate Democrats in the Senate like West Virginia’s Joe Manchin and Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema holding back the worst of the left’s attempts.

Their biggest problem isn’t any unpassed bills, but their increasingly unpopular leader, President Joe Biden. His continuously falling poll numbers are spelling doom for the party that supports him.

With failures mounting up from the economy to Afghanistan, to the border, and now the attacks on parents from his own DOJ over radicalized education practices in schools, Biden’s likely doomed himself and his entire party along with him.

No matter how hard they try to bail water, the Democrats’ ship will sink.