Sunday, September 12, 2021

Jaw-Dropping Gibberish From Autocratic Biden, After Dictating Terms of Employment to the Nation Biden Decries Autocracy

I don’t usually draw too much attention to Gibberish Joe, because most of the time what he espouses comes from the brain trust of someone else; and I respect the time of people here and do not want to subject them to the insane cognitive mush coming from a guy who is genuinely a low-brow doofus.   However, THAT SAID, you just gotta take a listen to this one.

If this example isn’t evidence that Biden reads stuff given to him by others; and has absolutely no cognitive or intellectual comprehension of what the fundamental meaning is behind the words;  I honestly don’t know what else I could provide to convince you.

In this semi-coherent 90 second soundbite; the content of which flies over the head of the provider, Politico; Joe Biden is telling the media about his conversations with Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin.  Biden says that both Xi and Putin are “autocrats” who dictate to the citizens of their nations, and in conversation with them – those leaders have questioned the viability of ‘western democracy‘ in an era where polarization of the electorate is so extreme.   Biden is calling them “autocrats” and trying to defend “democracy”…. ok, you with me? Now, WATCH:

These actual statements are being muttered by the same guy who just 36 hours earlier told the entire American population that he “has lost patience” with half the nation, and as an outcome, is going to FORCE a mandatory injection (COVID “vaccine”) into the arms of every citizen who wants to work in the United States.

Biden is literally decrying “autocratic governance”, while being the biggest autocratic executive this nation has ever seen.

And not a single friggin’ journalist could see this – and point it out immediately in their gaggle?  Or challenge him to reconcile those statements?   Seriously?  This is nuts !

Good grief, someone -effen anyone- get me a press credential!

But the issues are bigger. The more important issue is right there.

This is not hypocrisy.

This is not cognitive dissonance…. not at this stark level of reality.

This is something else entirely…

This is evidence that Biden is controlled and delivering words and policies that are abjectly disconnected from his worldview.

Apparently, and this is a dangerous thing to realize, Joe Biden is incapable of seeing the disconnect between what he believes he is doing, and what he is actually doing as a result of what others are constructing.

Looking carefully at the captured off-the-cuff presser, Joe Biden is not being intellectually dishonest.  In that video segment with the media he really believes Xi and Putin are autocrats, and views himself as a representative of democracy.  He believes that to be true, because he is cognitively disconnected from what just took place 36 hours earlier.  This is evidence that the totalitarian mandate announced from the office of the president, was not his policy.

This is like Joe Biden saying, “You will never see me getting out of a red limousine, because all of the world’s most dangerous dictators ride around in red limousines“.  And no one saying, “Mr. President, please sir, turn around – look at your vehicle – you just got out of a red limousine” – and then watch his face as he sees the outside of the car for the first time.

I would prefer that Joe Biden be blindingly hypocritical, and I would prefer to be able to point out his hypocrisy… but this is not that.

This is far more serious and far more dangerous.

This is a representative example of the Office of The President being controlled by others, and Joe Biden with NO CAPACITY to stop them from doing it.  Likely due to a severe decline in his mental acuity, Biden cannot even see his participation in their endeavors.

FULL Video prompted – Follow link: